Thursday, December 23, 2021

Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket...

 Exciting news today, readers! My Collector Appreciation orders came today! Huzzah! My first order consisted of two shirts, the Fireheart throw blanket and an ill-fated Beautiful Breeds Belgian ornament (more on that later). I love me some throw blankets, so the Fireheart one was an acceptable purchase, and I can always use more shirts. But...on with the reveal! Here's the glossy from my first order:

Whoo, glossy chase piece! Though, truth be told, I was hoping to get a glossy Andalusian, because the Smarty Jones models in my collection are probably going to get sold off next year due to lack of shelf space...but getting this glossy chase piece is threatening to make me change my mind. Glossy black can I refuse? 

My second order was pretty simple...enough 70th Anniversary blind bags to add up to $150. I was hoping to get a chrome Brishen, and while that didn't happen (out of 31 of those danged things, only two of them were even Brishens to start with), the glossy I got with this order totally made up for that! 

That's right - the glossy palomino Hamilton, my first choice! Joy! 

Oddly, on inspection after removing him from the box, it doesn't look like they glossed his mane or tail for some reason. Just...seems a bit of a strange choice. Are they all like that? I mean, he has the pearly effect on there already, but I never say no to more gloss, just seems odd. 

Also, it appears that these glossy models were made specially for the Collector Club Appreciation event, because they have VINs from this year and the boxes show the 8224 product number rather than having a UPC sticker slapped over the original one like in past years. Interesting...and might explain why the glossies didn't sell out, if they made a ton of them for this. Which means there will probably be leftover CCA glossies in the NPOD at Breyerfest this year. Just one more thing to look for, I guess! 

In other news, my VIP apology pin came today as well:

I haven't yet managed to find a decorator Seven Arts for my herd yet, so it's nice to (kind of) have a smaller one in my possession. Now if my dratted pin board would ever show up...

And in other other news, my Zugspitze came yesterday! Behold the awesomeness! 

What a chonk! 

New silver sparkleponies never disappoint. 

Quality-wise, all of these models are pretty nice - I didn't see anything wrong with any of them. Maybe Breyer's putting a little more effort into their QC? Who knows. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of assuming my Belgian ornament's ribbon ends were tied together when picking it up (you'd expect them to be tied, right?), so he promptly slid off the untied end and fell on the floor, breaking off both his ears and cracking two legs (turns out they're wire-reinforced). So that was a waste of $18. Still steamed about that one. 

Anyway, I'm still waiting on my Chalice (and the last PC release of the year and the mini Fireheart), so I definitely have more things to look forward to, hopefully this month! Let's hope they come out soon! 

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