Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Huzzah, a second blog post for today! A bit of an unexpected reveal today - Bandalero, the third Premier Club release for this year! 

From the email:

Bandalero, a Criollo stallion, was sculpted by Morgen Kilbourn, an artist known for her dynamic poses and faithful breed portrayals. Bandalero’s unique pose is a high-speed lead change, a maneuver which is useful in a variety of competitive events. His loud blood bay sabino coat was created by finishwork artist Heather Bullach as her first design for Breyer. And now you get to select whether you would like a glossy or matte finish on this stately stallion!

Taking a look at the model...well, I like his tail, and the color is nice...but not so much the rest of him. My copy won't be staying with me! Sorry to Morgen (yet again). It's fun that they're letting us pick his finish, though - although that may not be so fun for the people that want both!  

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