Friday, July 12, 2024

Breyerfest Day 1: Well, at least my wallet is happy

 Greetings, readers! The first day of Breyerfest is over, and I hope most of us managed to survive with our wallets intact! Where do I start? Oh yeah, the live show glossy prizes this year are Full Moon Rising and Zorah Belle. My fears of a glossy prize Marc of Charm are averted again! The Breyerfest surprise model is…Emerson! Not gonna lie, I was really hoping for Justadream…but my wallet is definitely happy at that news! Here’s a pic of the Surprise models I’ve gotten so far:

Most of them are gone by now, but I still have the green one and one glossy Appaloosa. The photo also reminds me that there’s a tail variation on Fight Song! It’s a flat tail that allows him to stand without a stand. Huzzah! I’ve gotten two of them so far and both had the tail variation, so I still need to find the regular one. Speaking of variations, it looks like this year our other variations are a matte/glossy split on Sorry Not Sorry (huh?), white stripes on Can’t Hold Us Down and a green metallic Wild Things. Plus the surprise models, of course. And since they’re doing a commemorative program this year (that I don’t remember hearing anything about before today?), we know the run numbers of everything! I’ll type that up later when I’m at an actual keyboard and not typing on my phone. 

What else? Next year’s Breyerfest theme may be “Cheers to 75 years” for Breyer’s 75th anniversary. I may have accidentally cut in the VIP line when I got my stuff - sorry about that. Blue Zeus doesn’t seem to have sold out yet, despite his popularity with the masses.  I haven’t been able to watch much of the live broadcast yet, but there are some droolworthy test models in it (again). I’ve had three or four people stop by the room and mention the blog - I think it’s a new record! Keep on coming! I didn’t have too much trouble getting my QR codes scanned for various things, although the people in the VIP line who didn’t seem to know what models they were getting despite having already paid for them was a bit baffling. For a possibly related reason, the VIP line reportedly was incredibly slow, while the All-Access and Wild Card lines were for the most part easy-peasy. 

There’s probably other stuff I’m forgetting, but that’s all I can think of for now. Oh yeah - the third volunteer model color is a lighter shade of chestnut, but doesn’t look all that different from the medium chestnut (IMO). Also I worked my first volunteer shift today (a shuttle stop) and it actually went pretty well! I’m looking forward to tomorrow. 

Anyway, I’m getting a bit tired and need to get some things taken care of before bed. Tomorrow: more shopping (I still have a lot of QT codes to redeem), more volunteering, and maybe some luck in the raffle!

1 comment:

  1. I thought for SURE that the matte/glossy split would be Miss Independent - she would look great in either. If there's no variation, I'll have a couple extras, but there are worse problems to have. :)

    I couldn't attend in person this year, so I'm eagerly waiting to see what I got for my Girls Run The World models!!
