Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Breyerfest is getting closer!

 Well, I haven't had a whole lot to post about lately, but never fear! I'm gearing up for Breyerfest and getting things ready as we speak. I just finished making our itineraries for the weekend, yesterday I printed out all our tickets (running out of color ink in the process, d'oh), and for the last week I've been getting the house ready for a visit from my mom and mother-in-law, who are going to help us wrangle the kids during Breyerfest this year. 

I won't be able to get into the Clarion until sometime Thursday afternoon, but we'll be in room 409 as usual! Stop by and mention the blog for a free (regular run) Stablemate, while supplies last! And as usual, check in for recaps and photos from each day of the festivities! 

Also, if you hadn't heard, there's been some consternation about how people were going to enter and re-enter the park, since apparently the QR codes can only be scanned once per day and many people like to do reasonable things like go out to their car, go somewhere other than the KHP for lunch, etc. Breyer's solution to this was to include wristbands with the Athenian Lady models, but naturally this would lead to a stampede of people and huge lines at the Celebration Model handout line. So now Breyer will be stamping people's hands so they don't have to rush to get their celebration models for the wristband. Seems like it would have been easier to just hand out the wristbands when the QR codes are scanned, but what do I know? Anyways...

That's about all I have for right now! I'm excited for Breyerfest this weekend. I only have two more workdays to get through before the real party can get started! I hope everyone has a fun and safe trip to Kentucky! 

1 comment:

  1. You know a lot more than the people at Breyer who planned & are in charge of BreyerFest.
