Tuesday, July 23, 2024

New Arrivals: The Grand Finale

 Well, we've reached the end of the Breyerfest new arrivals for this year. I held this guy back for last, and here he is...Lot 8 in the Breyerfest Live auction, the Shimmer Dapple Silver Grey with Somatic Mutation! 

Yes, I spent too much on him, but that's what credit cards are for, so I'm not going to dwell on that topic. He sure is pretty, though - he managed to catch my eye, despite his weird face marking. I'm happy to report that his face doesn't look bloody in person! It's just a somatic mutation. So, if this were a real horse, presumably he would eventually gray out and turn white everywhere except that side of his face. That would be an interesting thing to see! But anyway. 

I must not have been paying attention when this model was first revealed, because when I unwrapped the model after paying for him, I was surprised to discover his braids are painted silver and blue, two of my favorite colors. I've complained in the past about them not bothering to paint the braids on other releases using this mane (why have the braids in the mane if you aren't going to paint them?) so it's fitting that this guy does have painted braids. He was meant to live with me! I can't wait to put him in a class at a model horse show. Not that I expect him to do any winning in breed - everyone I talked to about him knew right away what mold I was talking about whenever I mentioned the "noodle legs Andalusian." I still think he would have been pretty great with a coat of gloss, though! Of course, then he probably would have sold for a lot more and I wouldn't have bought him. All's well that ends well, I guess. 

Well, that's it for the new Breyerfest arrivals - I didn't buy as much this year, probably because I knew (or at least hoped) I'd be able to take another auction model home. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to pay off this credit card. In the meantime, Breyerfest Closeups is next on the docket - check back tomorrow for the first one! 

1 comment:

  1. I am so wildly jealous of you! And also pleasantly surprised that I know where he went! He was my favourite of the auction models - I absolutely fell in love with him - congrats! He's even more gorgeous in person than in the photos I bet!
