Friday, January 21, 2022

Birds of a Feather flock together!

 Well well, it looks like the Birds of a Feather web special theme is going to continue this year. I always thought it was a shame they kept stopping after four releases with some of the earlier themes - after the success of America the Beautiful and the second edition of the Berries Ponies, Breyer must have decided there isn't any harm in continuing a theme through multiple years. Anyway, here's the first web special for 2022 - Cardinal

From the website:

Perhaps everyone’s favorite winter bird, the cardinal is a welcome splash of color against a snowy landscape. While the cardinal can be found year-round in the eastern United States, its bright coloring makes it stand out in the fall and winter. A cheerful bird with a whistling song, cardinals are thought by many to be a sign from a loved one.

The cardinal may be some people's favorite winter bird, but I'm more partial to Snowbird myself.  Or maybe I've just watched way too much Family Guy in my lifetime...but anyways. They're making a whopping 500 of these guys, but Shannondell is a pretty popular guy, so I'm sure he'll sell well despite his resemblance to Acadia. He's...really almost identical. 

This one isn't something I need in my collection, especially since I already have an Acadia, but I did enter for him to use for trade fodder. When in Rome...I guess.

In other news, we also have...a sneak peek instead of the reveal I hoped we were going to get today. Ugh! Here it is:

Looks like some type of black splash, or maybe a cow? I' nothing. Guess we'll have to wait until Monday! 

Coda: Maybe I have watched too much Family Guy. While looking up songs on Youtube for this post I realized I apparently thought Anne Murray and Helen Reddy were the same person - I thought Helen Reddy sang Snowbird but of course it was Anne Murray, and she had a whole episode about Snowbird. Helen Reddy was also on Family Guy (a voice cameo and later sang the theme song for the updated Channel 5 News). D'oh! Wait...maybe this means I need to watch Family Guy more! Hmm, food for thought. 

1 comment:

  1. Just wish he had some black markings. Doesn't really look like a cardinal without them I think.
