Thursday, May 21, 2020

Sage, sneak peeks, and Breyerfest updates!

Lots of new today, readers! First off: Sage, the final release in the Fairytale Friends Club (at least for now) is now available, so make sure to get her/them ordered!

I'll note here that Sage is indeed referred to as a mare, and she's on the new Stablemate Warmblood Mare who keeps being referred to as a stallion for some reason, so...the new mold should really be called the Warmblood Mare, since that's...what it is, and I'm not sure what's been causing the confusion, since all of her releases so far have been mares. Anyway, her companion for this set is the Spanish Barb, transformed into a Mini Whinny! Exciting stuff, though I'll be selling the Mini Whinny and hoping he makes another appearance as a Stablemate someday.

Now that the Fairytale Friends Club's first year has been completed, I'll just say that I hope they put some better paint jobs on the models if they do it again. Pastels and glitter might work for a $4 Walmart release, but people expect something a little more complicated than that for $25 a pop. Let's hope Breyer takes those ideas into consideration!

In other news, I can't believe I forgot to post about all this yesterday, but there's a new sneak peek on the blog (Reiterating that I'm tired of sneak peeks - just post the thing!):

Clearly it's the crystal, but which one? It kind of looks like the back of a shoulder/part of a belly, but I don't know what it could be. Once again, the photo is cropped too closely to tell what it is. Hopefully we see it tomorrow! I don't envy people trying to buy crystals this year, though, what with all the fragility and shipping through the postal system and all. Fun times!

In other news, more Breyerfest updates have also been posted on the blog. I'm not going to try to sum everything up here, but Bonus Benefits for ticket holders have been posted here (free raffle tickets, woo!), and an explanation of model categories is here. Also, Jaime has a new video explaining some more of the benefits here (apologies if you're unable to watch that one; I wish they'd post it on YouTube). Lots of exciting stuff in store to be sure, and even some fun items for international collectors that can't participate in raffles and contests!

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