Monday, May 18, 2020

Bilberry and the Dyflin winners!

Well, looks like I struck out twice today. The Dyflin winners were revealed on the blog today - nothing here, sadly. Maybe someday I'll win an early bird, or a raffle model...But congratulations to the winners! One of them (that we know of) is a Blabber, so at least there's that.

Also today, the winners of the Bilberry purchase lottery were announced! ...And none of our accounts were drawn for that either. luck has not been very good with those lately. I'm not interested in paying double or triple for him, so I guess I'll hope for the waitlist. Congratulations to all the winners!

1 comment:

  1. I commiserate with you. I have NEVER won ANY special run/lottery model. I should own stock in Breyer for the amount of things I have bought from them.
