Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Altynai: Horse, or dancer?

Good news, everyone! My Altynai model is here - behold!

I've seen a lot of posts online calling him a long boi, and that's definitely not an exaggeration - he's definitely long! I haven't actually compared him to Yasmin, but I'm guessing he could definitely give her a run for her money.

But the first thing that comes to my mind when I look at him isn't his length - rather, it's that he looks like he's wondering, in the (slightly modified) timeless words of The Killers, "Are we horse, or are we dancer?" Things to consider.

Anyway, this guy is definitely pretty! I love his dark shading on the shoulders. I've seen a lot of variation online and was hoping to get a dark one, and he doesn't disappoint in that regard! He has to be one of the more unique Breyer sculptures we've gotten in the last few years - usually you don't see them stretched out like that, and he's loaded with details besides! I noticed his hooves aren't carved, though, which is kind of confusing considering the amount of detail he has everywhere else. Just a little odd.

I like his blue eyes, but...again with the pink eyewhites? I was hoping that particular trend would go by the wayside, but I guess not. But I guess that's a pretty small thing to complain about.

Quality-wise, he isn't the best...he's got a partial fingerprint on his left flank and some other small issues, but I don't know if I want to bother sending him back. At first I thought he was worse, but what I thought was little back flecks of debris in the paint on both his flanks turned out to just be grime or something that rubbed off easily, so I guess that was good. Still a little disappointing, though. Maybe someday I can trade with a customizer and get a minty-mint dark one. Here's hoping...

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