Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Whoa, what a shock! We got a new Berries Pony today! I guess it was about time, but I was still surprised:

He's a Bouncer! I wondered if they'd ever use him for a Web Special. And he can be yours, for the low, low price of...$160! Sheesh, that's a lot of money to spend on something as small as Bouncer. I guess I'll be entering anyway, but jeez...

Anyway, I do like him, especially his stripey tail and black feet. At first I thought he was just a plain black-and-white leopard, but on closer inspection he does have some pinking going on, so that's nice. Too bad they didn't gloss him so he'd look more like a mini of Rialto! Oh well. Good luck to everyone entering!


  1. You wouldn't happen to be selling Bilberry, would ya?

    1. No, I haven't even found one for my own collection yet!
