Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fool! (I hope...)

So this was recently posted on Breyer's Facebook page:

Considering what day it is, I hope it's an April Fool's joke, but you never know. The Facebook post claims Rugged Lark is one of Breyer's most beloved stock horse molds, but...well..."beloved" isn't really a word I'd use to describe him. He comes from what's generally thought of as the "Dark Ages" of Breyer - that era in the late '80s and early '90s when Reeves had just taken over the company and hadn't quite found their footing yet. Other new molds from this era include the ever-popular Khemosabi (or "Khemosausage" in hobby parlance), Roy, etc. While I did have a Rugged Lark model at one point, I've since sold him and haven't felt any need to add more of them to my shelves, so a Stablemate version of him is completely lost on me. Rugged Lark does have his admirers, but I don't think there are enough of them to make it worth it to shrink him...but I could be wrong.

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