This handsome guy is item #51 on the Adios mold sculpted by Chris Hess. While the Yellow Mount production run lasted from 1970 to 1987, the fact that he's chalky places his production date sometime in the 1970s.
The vintage section of my collection is admittedly pretty small, but I do have a soft spot for Adios, and this guy is no exception. He's a product of the oil crisis of the 1970s, when Breyer couldn't always find pristine white plastic for molding. Consequently, other colors of plastic showed up, which had to be basecoated white before they could be painted. So, this guy could be any crazy color underneath his paint! Not that I want to strip him to find out. This guy also has the forearm spot that isn't present on later models from this run, so he's extra-special!
Where will we see Adios used next? He last appeared as Weston, last year's Live Show Benefit model, and before that he was the Breyerfest 2018 autograph model. He's not a pony, so I doubt we'll see him as a web special this year unless Breyer puts an animal pattern on him somehow. I don't think he's ever been used as a Tractor Supply special run (which seems odd, since he's usually used as a stock horse). Maybe he'll show up there this year? I don't anticipate seeing him at Breyerfest, but I suppose it's possible. My guess is a TSC special run!
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