Friday, September 27, 2019

Khalid, Lightning Ridge and the Seafoams are here!

Good news, everyone! My Khalid, Lightning Ridge and Seafoam set have all arrived! Behold their awesome beauty! I'll start with the Seafoams.

I like Seafoam's shade of blue, but I think I would have liked him better if he'd been painted more like Dazzle, with the mostly silver/white butt fading into the blue color on the rest of his body. I mean, he's kind of painted like that now, but I'd have preferred the silver to be confined to his hindquarters.

Also, I think we can all agree that the paint jobs on the Stablemates are definitely not worth $25, but I think the bulk of the cost of these sets is most likely going toward the creation of the new Mini Whinny molds. Maybe next year they'll use old molds and do some slightly more complicated paint jobs? I hope so. How long can/will they keep introducing new Mini Whinnies? Maybe this will be the only year of the club.

Next, here's Lightning Ridge!

He's definitely one of the more interesting models I've seen in the last few years, though he's not a terribly good representation of an opal. Unfortunately, giving a model the same inner "fire" an opal has would probably make the model prohibitively expensive to produce, but this guy is a nice facsimile.

It's good to see Breyer getting into the precious stones inspiration for paint jobs, though. It seemed like that theme had pretty much been left for Stone to work on, for obvious reasons, but why concede that market to your competitor? I'd love to see pretty much all of them get used again, so far.

Lastly, here's Khalid!

Sorry for the terrible photo. I love his shade of...dun? I'm not actually sure what color that's supposed to be. He has primitive marks, so I'm going with dun.

I do like the alternate tail for this model, but I'm not as much of a fan of the mane and forelock. I guess the ears (or lack of Marwari ears) doesn't bother me too much, though. And I love this guy's belly spots!

Quality-wise, the Seafoams and Lightning Ridge were fine, but check out this gnarly seam split on Khalid:

I didn't even notice it until I was taking photos for the blog, but now it's all I can look at. Not sure it would be worth the hassle of replacing him, though. I guess I'll just have to try not to look at his face/

That's all I've got for today - stay tuned for more exciting Breyer news!

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