Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wait For It

Great news, everyone! My Hamilton finally came today! Behold the awesomeness!

This has been my most anticipated arrival of the year so far, and he definitely doesn't disappoint!

I love that he has a size to him, and the sculpt seems to catch a frozen moment in time perfectly. Plus, he doesn't have that annoying narrowness in front that so many of Breyer's more recent sculpts have been plagued with. He's awesome!

I think my favorite thing about him is his tail, though. It's long and flowy and portrays his movement so well, but isn't over-the-top and wild like a Moody sculpt would be.

Quality-wise, he's not perfect - there are some small booboos. But nothing major - I don't think I even photographed any of them. But look at his head and neck! I love him.

Truth be told, I'm almost dreading collecting this mold, because you know he'll probably be a raffle and a prize model at Breyerfest next year, and there'll probably be an auction model to boot. Sigh. Maybe I'll finally find a money tree next year? I hope so, because I have a feeling I'm going to need it!

1 comment:

  1. Finally the near side. Thanks so much for the personal, unconventional views! Yeah I'll be dealing with this one for a long time...
