Saturday, August 3, 2019

New Arrivals: Mini Nazruddin, Mini Brass Hat, Mini All Glory and Sarge!

This post marks the last of the New Arrivals! Whew, that took longer than I expected. Well, on with the show; let's take a look at Mini Nazruddin!

I was excited to see Darley get used for something, after his lukewarm reception at the end of last year. He looks good as a Marwari - or as close to one as Breyer can get without actually bending his ears (at least, to my eyes). He even has a bit of a semigloss look going on! I don't think the Trad Nazruddin had that, but it's a nice touch on this guy - and he has eyewhites, instead of the black splotches on Pecos. Interesting how each model differs in execution.

Next, here's the mini Brass Hat!

I'd thought the mini Brass Hat models would have that hint of blue interference in the paint the way the Trads did, considering Breyer's attention to detail with these mini-mes, but I guess it wasn't to be. He looks nice, though - but the mold looks like it could stand to be a tiny bit bigger. He's a bit smaller than other Stablemates molds, proportion-wise - or maybe it just looks like he is, since he has so much more detail than the older Stablemates like the G2s. Either way, though, he looks nice in bay!

Next, let's take a look at Mini All Glory!

See what I mean? The G2 Morgan looks positively blobby compared to mini Brass Hat. I don't know what Breyer is doing to make their new molds so small (trying to save on plastic?) but it's getting more and more noticeable. Mini All Glory looks good, though; I don't have the Trad version of him, though, so I can't really compare the two.

Lastly, here's Sarge!

Sorry for the blurry photo yet again. Now, there have been reports that some of the Sarges had unicorn horns, but I'm sad to say mine wasn't one of the horned ones. We haven't heard anything from Breyer as to how many unicorn Sarges there are; maybe someone could ask Stephanie about it next year. I'm sure it probably happened on purpose, but maybe not - wouldn't they have announced the quantity of the unicorns if that were the case? Oh well. He does look good in color-shift paint, if a bit similar to the blue unicorn chase piece at first glance. Maybe someday I'll find one at our local Cracker Barrel so I can do a comparison!

So, those are all my new additions from this year's Breyerfest. Not pictured: Nobel II, Koh-i-Noor, the copper chase Django, glossy Mr. Chips and a customized nail polish Stablemate Alborozo. That's a lot of new models! And I have to figure out how I'm going to fit them all on my shelves...just as soon as I can get my photo tent set back up so I can photograph them all. I had to move it to clear some space in the house and it's currently buried under a bunch of empty boxes I haven't gotten rid of yet. Someday I'll get that set up! In the meantime, I'll go back to waiting for Hamilton, and the next Stablemate Club release, and whatever else Breyer has cooked up for us...

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