Monday, October 26, 2020

Julius and Nova!

 Greetings, readers! Well, I'll get right to it - next year's first Vintage Club release, Julius, was revealed on Saturday. Behold! 

Julius? As in...Orange Julius? Okay, okay, I'll show myself out. Seriously though, while old-style red roan is one of my least favorite colors (right up there with wild bay or honey bay), Georg looks amazeballs in it. Good thing I've got a VC enabler. Uhhh, but anyway. If you squint really hard, he almost starts to look like a fleabitten gray with really pronounced fleabites. Well...almost. But anyway, I'm excited for him! 

There's another exciting Classics release on the website today, too! Check out Nova

He's a pretty color, but I'm not a fan of the mold, so no purchase necessary here. I can't figure out what he looks like - some kind of cosmic pink wolf or something? Weird. Well, whatevs. Breyer is certainly doling out content in drips and drabs, eh? And we still haven't seen the holiday mare and foal set - maybe that'll be next. Bring it on, I say! 

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