Friday, October 23, 2020

Intuit is ousted, 2021 Premier Club and Collector Appreciation!

 Okay, first things first: Intuit has been withdrawn by the Bradshaw family as the 2021 Breyerfest Celebration Horse. I think I made my concerns known in my post on Wednesday, so I'm happy that he will not be involved with next year's Breyerfest. While my feelings on the matter have not changed, I do not condone or endorse any of the nasty behavior that happened yesterday, and I hope Breyer puts a little more thought into their next choice of Celebration Horse. Even if you put aside the purposefully-bred terrible conformation of halter horses, Intuit is positive for PSSM and should not be bred. In addition, while Intuit is N/N for HYPP, the Bradshaws have several stallions on their website that are N/H. These horses should not be bred either, and using Intuit as the Celebration Horse would be a tacit endorsement of these kinds of breeding practices. Breyer's official statement on the subject can be found here.

So, what comes next? Clearly another Celebration Horse will have to be selected, but who? My first choice would be Endo the Blind, using the Valegro mold. However, if Endo wouldn't work out, I was intrigued by these Akhal-Tekes I found while searching around for possible alternate Celebration Horses. Check out this stallion, Amadei-Geli (top of the page). Can't you see him on Altynai? His color might be a little too similar to Altynai, though, so there's also this mare, Aykyssa, owned by the same farm (2/3 of the way down the page). She'd certainly qualify as a horse of a different color, and could also be done on Altynai with a little gender modification. In any case, I'm interested to see what Breyer will do next. 

In happier news, we have a reveal of the first release of the 2021 Premier Club. Say hello to Fireheart

He's a sooty palomino blanket appaloosa Mustang sculpted by Rayvin Maddock. Here's his other side! 

Honestly, I'm kinda lukewarm on this one, but that's okay - it had to happen sometime, and I can't collect everything. I definitely still plan on rejoining the club, though - and maybe next year's PC Stablemate gift will be in this color, eh? I guess we'll see! 

Oops, I almost forgot. People's Collector Club Appreciation boxes started showing up today, and so far we've seen Dominante and Truly Unsurpassed among the glossed appreciation models. So that means I'm looking for Winx and Dominante! Mine should be here sometime next week. 


  1. Good! If you don't like yours, sell him to me!
    What happened with the Breyer Celebration Horse was sad. I did not approve of the horse, but some of the things that were said were nasty!

    1. I think the level of vitriol is the worst I've ever seen. Hopefully people calm down soon.

  2. Hopefully the Bradshaws will rethink their breeding program and stop producing horses with horrendous confirmation and genetic disorders.

  3. *conformation*

    Stupid autocorrect. Whoever came up with it obviously didn’t know a thing about horses. So tired of “mare” being changed to “mate” & “foal” to “goal” & now it’s “conformation” to “confirmation”. Enough already!!

  4. Couldn’t have said it better...shame on all of you.
