Sunday, July 12, 2020

Virtual Breyerfest Day 3: Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

Greetings, readers! I hope you got through the final day of Virtual Breyerfest with your sanity intact. I'm not sure I did...but then, that happens every year, so at least this Breyerfest was true to life in that respect. The same website issues people had been having all weekend continued to persist today, which is disappointing, but I think people managed to be a little more successful in getting the store specials ordered - or maybe they just gave up and preordered the glossy versions. In any case, the ordering is over, the special runs are all allocated (or...should be), the raffles are over (except maybe the one for the glossy Celebration Models; no one has heard anything about those), and all that's left to find out now is the identities of the surprise model and the volunteer model. Which...could take a while before we find out!

In today's exciting reveals, we got to see Vermeer, the next Premier Club model:

I'm a little bit on the fence about this one - I like him from some angles, but not others. His paint job is really nice, though. I'll have to wait until he gets here to make my final decision. He looks like his mane and tail are pearly, though, so that helps.

In other exciting reveals, we have the theme for next year's Breyerfest!

Horse of a different color, eh? That gives a lot of possibilities for next year, though I heard it mentioned on the live stream that they'll have lots of chrome, stripes and spots! Does this mean there'll be a lot of decorators? Who knows! And who will be the Celebration Horse? So many questions, that we have to wait months to get answers to! Well, I'm excited either way.

Once again, I didn't get drawn for either of the raffle models this year - but be watching your emails, people! If you did get drawn, you only have 3 days to confirm your mailing address. Hopefully they come out with those glossy Celebration Model winners soon!

I'm also seeing that people are already getting some of their special runs clawed back by Breyer - they must really be gung-ho about it if they're already going through people's orders so soon. The thought is that people that took advantage of ordering 3 or more models per ticket on Friday hosed everything up for the rest of the weekend, and some innocent people are getting caught in the crossfire? I'm not really sure what exactly is going on, because we haven't gotten any statements from Breyer about it yet. Hopefully that gets cleared up tomorrow.

Well, that's about all I have for Virtual Breyerfest news. I'm sure tomorrow the Breyerfest Blues will set in like they do every year...

1 comment:

  1. Figures that Mystic Warrior is a Premier Model! He's one of my favorite Friesian crossbreeds!
