Friday, July 24, 2020

Breyerfest loot, Strawberry drawing and Christmas in July sale!

Hello, readers! Well, first things first - my Breyerfest goodies are here and I'm thrilled that they finally came! Here are the boxes they came in:

While I was really hoping for more boxes than that, just to confuse the UPS driver more, it was still pretty satisfying to get home and see those boxes waiting for me.

That's a big pile of surprise models!

I forgot to take a photo of them outside of the orange bags, though, so we'll skip to the part where I got them all unwrapped...


That's three matte red roans, one glossy red roan, two matte silver blacks and a glossy silver black. Not bad at all! Truth be told, I was hoping to get at least three different colors, but with two glossies in this mix I really can't complain. This is about on par with what I usually get at Breyerfest in person, honestly. I have one more surprise model coming on Monday, and I'm working on lining up a trade for a matte Appaloosa, so I'm hoping it's some variant of palomino. I guess I'll find out on Monday!

I'll cover the Breyerfest models more in a future post, but here's my Boudicca:

I was pleasantly surprised to see her "woad" isn't the same shade all over - it's darker on her neck/back areas, then lighter across the barrel and hips, and darker on the legs again. It's a nice touch!

Next on today's list of news...selections for Strawberry are out! I didn't enter, but if you did, make sure to check your email and/or the website and see if you're eligible to buy!

Lastly, Breyer is having a "Christmas in July" sale on the website! There's nothing terribly exciting there other than last year's Christmas Zebras and LaFitte (already sold out). The Zebras are $10 more than they were originally, so...not really much of a "sale," is it? Like, at all? There's probably a few Licorice zebras in the leftover bunch, but I don't think I want to spend $10 extra for a super-small chance at one. Anyways, this sale is currently limited to Collector Club members but opens to the public on Monday. If you didn't already blow your monthly model budget on Breyerfest stuff, check it out and see if anything catches your eye! I'll be over in the corner waiting for my last Breyerfest shipment to get here.

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