Tuesday, July 28, 2020

My last Slainte Surprise, and the 2020 Breyerfest Volunteer Model!

Exciting news, everyone - I can reveal my last surprise model for this year! Behold:

Glossy palomino! As I was unwrapping her, I made sure to stare somewhere else while I felt my way through the wrappings, and once I got the bubblewrap off I remember thinking, "This feels like a glossy." Then I looked at her and saw it was a palomino and my mind blanked out for a second - no way it was the last color I needed AND glossy, right? Then I got her out of the bag and saw she was definitely a glossy. So that's 3 out of 4! I haven't had glossy luck like this since 2017 with the Bollywood Surprises, and those all went out the door since I don't collect Latigo. So I'm super-happy to be able to add all of these to my collection without having to pay an arm and a leg for them. Hopefully I can find a glossy Appaloosa to complete the set in the near future!

In other news, this year's Breyerfest volunteer model has finally been revealed! I don't have photos I can use yet, but the ones I've seen look stunning - it's Flash! And there seem to be variations within the run, oddly enough! Makes me glad I don't collect Flash, honestly. The two I've seen have been a light (flaxen?) chestnut pinto, and a darker, more liver-chestnut (or silver black?) pinto with slightly different markings on the hind legs. Exciting, if a bit mystifying! Hopefully we get more information on those soon, along with the numbers breakdown for the Slainte Surprise!

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