Friday, July 10, 2020

Virtual Breyerfest Day 1: A Disaster of Epic Proportions

Well, Virtual Breyerfest Day 1 is over, and...well, let's just say there are a lot of frustrated people out there. I knew it was a bad sign when the Artisan's Gallery portion of the website didn't go up as scheduled, but...I didn't think it would be this bad, for this long. The website has been glitchy all day, and all of the special run ticket times ended up being delayed by two hours. That, along with store specials being yanked out of peoples' carts within seconds of being added, all day long, makes for a long day of attempted pony-buying.

I had two tickets for today, and was able to get a Slainte Surprise and Brighid/Beltane on my first ticket. The wait for those wasn't too bad...but then I had to wait more than 3 hours after my second ticket time of the day before those models became available. I got another Slainte Surprise and an Ash! I hope I have good luck the rest of the weekend.

But at least there are some fun new reveals I can show you - like the latest Collector Club vote option!

One of the above four models will be a Collector Club special run next year...and everyone that votes will be entered into a drawing to win one of the test models! Presumably one of the three that don't win. They're all pretty nice, but for me the Carrick wins out over the Adios. It would be super-cool to win a test, too!

In other reveals, we have our Premier Club Stablemate for this year:

A new Haflinger by Brigitte Eberl! Yay! I love him already. But what color will he be? Here are the possibilities:

So these are the three colors for this year's Premier Club models. Yay, we're getting another splash pinto! I can't wait to find out what's next. I suppose the buckskin would be the closest-ish to a real Haflinger color, and it looks really nice in the mockup, but I like the splash pinto option too. We won't find out what option they picked until, uh...sometime in the future. Hopefully before the end of Breyerfest, but who knows for sure.

And, we got a reveal of this year's new Stablemates Club mold!

Holy crap - my eyes! The beefcake! Ahhh!

Well, anyway, he (she?) looks insanely detailed, but that's way too much beefcake for me. Mine will be for sale!

Let's hope they get all these issues figured out by tomorrow - I did manage to snag all of the store items I wanted (Cheesecake, Topgun and the Stablemate set)- but I'll be attempting to get a SM set for a Blabber tomorrow, so hopefully they get things straightened out by then. Not a good start, Breyer...

1 comment:

  1. Ah! I really like the new stablemate!!! Stock horses are totally my thing...
