Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Santa Surprises...and bam, they're gone!

Well, I was too busy getting Christmas dinner ready this morning to post about the surprise earlier (and they posted it really early this year!) and they've since sold out..,but say hello to the Santa Surprises!

Naturally, I had to order them. Othello, one of my favorite molds? As a unicorn, when I love unicorns? And none of them are white?! Sign me up! And as a bonus, twelve lucky collectors will get Coal in their stocking box!

I'm not terribly hopeful about getting Coal - my luck doesn't tend to go that far - but I certainly won't turn him down if he turns up amongst our three orders.

Of course, not everyone is happy about this web special, but some of the complaining I've seen about Breyer's releases in the last week just shows that some people will complain about anything. Same goes for this guy - the price is too high, the colors are wrong, unicorns don't go with a Christmas theme, etc. I like them, so that's good enough for me! Of course they're going to cost more - it's a bigger, beefier mold, which requires bigger boxes. I guess the onus is on them for picking a larger mold, but Othello is very popular, unicorns are really hot right now, and Xavier has been a very good seller, so I'm sure for Breyer it was a no-brainer.

I do wish they'd provided more than one photo of them, and I'm not crazy about the particular shade of olive they chose for the green one, but those are small complaints. And hey, the peach one will make a good dad for Rigel! Merry Christmas, everyone! 

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