Saturday, December 16, 2023

Featured JAH - 12/16/2023, Sept/Oct 1996

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week's issue is Sept/Oct 1996, so let's dig in! 

On the front cover, a horse rears up majestically, while on the back cover, the Horsepower set makes its debut, featuring Giltedge the Florentine Hackney Pony and the die-cast yellow delivery truck. The Giltedge release was another one I desperately wanted, but it either sold out too fast or I just didn't have the money for it at the time - either could be true. This release was notorious for some of the Giltedges being horribly yellowed in the white areas, and the returned Giltedge models were repainted and became Excalibur, a Breyerfest SR in 1997 (possibly one of the first Breyerfest special run line models). 

On the inside cover, the G2 Saddlebred makes her debut...sort of. The sculpture shown in the photo still looks like a work in progress, and the actual debut for this mold didn't come until 1998 when the JAH special edition set was released. I'd be interested to know the backstory on this one. There's also a photo of the real Iron Metal Chief! What a beauty. On the opposite page is the info page for the Horsepower set. I did eventually get a Horsepower set (formerly owned by Sheryl Leisure, no less!), but sold it off later for shelf space.

On page 4-5 is an article about Missouri Fox Trotters, including Tri-Mi Boot-Scootin' Boogie, a model I really wanted back in the day - not sure if I thought it was pretty or if it was just because of the name. Never got one, though. 

I've skipped a few things here, but on page 12-13 we have an article about the beautiful Iron Metal Chief, as well as a Who Am I? featuring the Classic Mustang Mare. 

I cropped out the end of an article about showing gaited models on page 16, and on page 17 we have the Blast From the Past about the palomino pinto Nursing Foal, and a Just About...Breyer Animals! featuring the bear cub. 

In the centerfold we have a gallery of customized models by various artists, many of whom are still active in the model horse hobby today. I admired these a lot and was especially partial to L. J. Dreamazon. I wonder where he is now? 

On page 20-21 is the Breyerfest '96 recap! 

The Breyerfest recap concludes on page 22, and some live show results are on page 23. 

The issue concludes with a Vintage Point about the Foundation Stallion. I wanted the original black one when I was younger, but never did get one - another victim of lack of shelf space, and I've never even owned anything on this mold! One of my friends had Appaloosa Champion, though. 

Well, that's it for this week - check back next week for Nov/Dec 1996 and the conclusion of 1996! Sheesh, I can't believe we're already almost done with another year (the literal year, and the magazine year). See you then! 

1 comment:

  1. We had the black foundation stallion and the dappled gray Azteca. I forget what American breed the stallion was supposed to be the foundation of...
