Friday, July 13, 2018

Breyerfest Day 1: The Insanity Continues

Greetings, everyone! We managed to survive Day 1 of Breyerfest with only mild sunburns! I always consider that a success. We only had two ticket times today, but between those, my volunteer shift and our tour of Darley at Jonabell, I didn't have much free time. But here's our haul from the special run line!


As I suspected, Smarty Jones is finally the surprise horse! Turns out Breyer is actually capable of staying on theme! Who would have thought? Aside from the above bay and palomino pintos, other colors include black, leopard appaloosa and a red clearware decorator (in matte and glossy variations, which means there are 8 more I have to track down). So, do the flames on the decorator make him go faster? Just curious.

Anyway, the above two are the ones I pulled from the special run line today. We don't know what the quantities on these guys are yet, but current speculation is that the black is the rarest. I do like him the best of the five, although the palomino pinto and the decorator are right up there too. We have 7 more tickets to get through before the end of the weekend, so hopefully I can get my hands on the rest of the colors without too much difficulty.

Here's my other triumph - both colors of Dead Heat!


Okay, it wasn't actually that hard to get them. I was pleasantly surprised to have the guy distributing models ask if I had a preference, and then he just reached into a box and handed me the palomino I asked for! I was expecting it to be random, so that was a nice surprise.

And lastly, here's an absolutely terrible photo of one of my Brass Hats:


From what I could see, this year's Celebration Models are much nicer quality than last year's Nazruddins - I hardly saw any flaws on any of mine. That'll make them easier to sell, hopefully. 

I managed to buy the two single-day Stablemates I wanted - Man o' War and Silver Charm - but they're, uh, indisposed right now. Not that I incorporated them into my nonexistent costume or anything...

Ahem. More about that will be revealed later. In the meantime, I have shopping to do! Also, I decided to skip the live auction again this year so I'd have time to, you know, shop. Happy hunting!

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