Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Breyerfest Blues and Loot

It's hitting me again - the Breyerfest Blues. I always feel sad after Breyerfest is over; it's my favorite event of the year, and it always seems like I spend the whole year waiting for it to be here, only for it to be over in what seems like 3 seconds. This year's Breyerfest went especially fast, what with volunteering and the costume contest and 9 special run line tickets and...yeah. But here are the fruits of my labors!

Because of how busy I was, I didn't have much time to shop the Clarion, nor were there really a lot of things I wanted to buy (I'd been hoping to find a Zebra, or a chestnut pinto Pop the Cork, or Crepe Suzette, but I guess it wasn't meant to be). My sales weren't the greatest either, which didn't help the situation.

But anyway. Here are some random photos of other purchases I made. I'll start with Celestine, this year's Holiday Horse:

Normally my husband buys the Holiday Horses for me as my Christmas present, but I took my only trip through the Breyer Store on Sunday morning and there were only three Celestines left and of them accidentally ended up in my hands and went through the checkout with my other stuff and now I have a Celestine. Don't worry, hubby will find another horse to buy me for Christmas. Isn't she pretty? I can't get over how beautiful she is.

Here's a CHIN purchase; a glossy Harper!

I found this model in someone's hotel room at the CHIN, but I'm guessing it originated in the NPOD. According to people who did this year's NPOD, Breyer finally got wise about the more limited releases and had them all listed in a binder for people to go through and decide what they wanted to buy, rather than the knock-down-drag-out free-for-all of previous years. Glossy Harper was one of the entries in the binder, so that's why I think this one started out in the NPOD. Her price wasn't too much of a markup from the NPOD price, so I'm happy with it (and her).

Finally, check out these two Juleps I got from the special run line. One of them is much darker than the other!

It's a little less obvious in the photo, but the dark one is on the right. Normally I don't really go for variations, but that dark one is definitely going to stay with me. The other (and her foal) will be for sale later on. But the dark Julep is especially pretty, I think. She almost looks more metallic than the light one, so I'm sure she'll look nice on the shelf next to Celestine.

That's all I've got for now, but eventually I'll be posting all of my purchases (from Breyer directly) with commentary, as well as up-close photos of various previews that haven't been released yet. Stay tuned!


  1. Performance Lipizzaner Mare <3 I love this mold.

    1. She's a beauty! I hope she gets a RR release next year.
