Monday, December 4, 2017

Mirado is now available for purchase!

Right on time - (more or less) - the final Stablemate Club release of the year, Mirado, is now available on the website! 

After a long year of waiting, I can finally add Mirado to my collection. Yay! 

Part of me thought about holding off on buying him so I can combine shipping if something else pops up on the website, but...meh, what's another $5? I want my Mirado ASAP! 

Even if you don't want your Mirado for whatever reason, be sure to buy him anyway - everyone who completes the purchase (thus fulfilling their Stablemate Club obligations for the year) will be entered into a special raffle! If it's anything like the raffle for last year's club, it'll be a set of all four Fylkir colors - which would be excellent if I won, because I still need the smoky black one! So we'll buy Mirado on both our memberships and sell the extra one later. Kind of a smart move on Breyer's part to do that, to try and ensure a bunch of people don't drop out of the club at the end of the year. 

Hopefully Mirado ships fast - I can't wait to see mine! 

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