Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Mirado is here!

Greetings, readers! My first (of two) Mirado models has arrived! Behold:

I've seen a few photos of other people's Mirado models, and it looked like some of them had front legs with a weird bend at the knee that I wasn't a big fan of - but mine seems to be okay in that department, although his hind legs seem to be warped inward slightly. No big deal, though.

I like him in general, though! I'm a little iffy about the crest on his neck; it looks a little odd from the right side, but the left side looks fine. But I like his color, and his long mane, and his pinto pattern.

His eyes are incredible! I can't get over them. I have no idea how they painted eyes so tiny, but both of mine look pretty nice. Some of the blue eyes I've seen looked really weird (and I've heard rumors of some Mirado models with two brown eyes), but I don't see any issues with mine.

Quality-wise, he's mostly okay - he's got some debris in his paint on the right flank area and a couple of pinpoint black spots, but otherwise I don't see anything wrong with him.

I still have one more Mirado coming in the mail, so we'll see what that one looks like - maybe he'll be better than this one or have two brown eyes or something. I guess we'll find out when he gets here! Overall, though, I'm happy to add him to my collection.

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