Sunday, October 23, 2016

The final 2016 Premier Club model has been revealed!

Sneaky Breyer, unveiling it on a Sunday when I wasn't expecting it...but, at least we didn't have to wait until later in the week, eh? So, our final Premier Club model of the year is...Yasmin!


 On first glance, I was kind of meh about her, but every time I look at her I like her a little more. We'll see what she looks like when I get her out of the packaging, but so far, things are looking good. Apparently she's a rework of a prior Eberl resin, which always makes me wonder why Breyer doesn't get the rights to other older resins and release them in plastic. I'd love it if they released Kathleen Moody's Infinity or Minuet resins in plastic (although Minuet's off side looks a little odd). I am not a resin collector, so the more older ones that make the transition to plastic, the better.

I also think Yasmin would make a great team with Weather Girl, though I'm not sure how comparable they will be size-wise.

I still wouldn't mind seeing a nice Saddlebred or TWH release in the Premier Club, though; I guess I'll have to cross my fingers next year.

Also, my Chasing the Chesapeake models arrived on Friday, so hopefully I can get some photos of them up later this week.

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