Saturday, October 15, 2016

Chasing the Chesapeake Day 2: Eventing, "Craft" Beer and Cornboxes, Oh My!

Well, the first part of Chasing the Chesapeake  Day 2 is over! Currently we're in the hotel waiting for the costume contest and related activities to start. So, I thought I'd type up a quick update!

Firstly, last night's raffle models were as follows (from Blab):

My Kind of Town
Copenhagen Sailor
Glossy Perlino Quelle Surprise
Chesterfield (resin).

So, I don't feel as bad about missing yesterday, although I wouldn't mind getting a Tortuga or glossy perlino. Oh well!

Cross country at Fair Hill was quite fun - we saw lots of horses, walked most of the course, and saw both Philip Dutton and Buck Davidson in action, which was pretty cool. All photos by me:

We were bemused by the sight of the "craft" beer tent with a Bud Lite truck parked next to it:

We didn't go inside, so I can't testify as to how crafty the beers were. 

Lastly, I was amused by the "corn sandbox" they had in the kids' play area. I've probably seen similar things before, but it amused me for some reason. Definitely less messy than a sandbox, for sure:

I'd totally play in that if I were still 5 years old. 

So, that's a quick recap of how our day went. Apparently a mockup of this year's JAH is floating around out there, featuring a photo of a mostly-white Hermosa (portrait of a real horse and RR for 2017), but I don't have a photo I can use, so that will have to wait until later. I'll update later with the centerpiece raffle model and other fun stuff!

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