Friday, June 28, 2024

So many things to post about, I can’t even keep up!

 More exciting reveals are happening, people! Breyer showed us some more auction models today - behold, this BEAUTIFUL Wixom!

This girl is absolutely amazing! I love her. I’m low-key wishing I hadn’t sold all my Wixoms, because I want her! Here’s an alternate view from Facebook:

What a beauty! I wonder how much she’ll go for. 

Next, we have a beautiful glossy bay Croi:

Finally some gloss! (I can’t remember if any of the previously-shown models were glossy; don’t @ me). She’s pretty too! But not as pretty as that Wixom.

Next, this also-stunning Constantia!

I’m pretty sure that’s Anamar’s paint job. It looks great on Constantia! I think she’s my favorite of the models released so far (that I’d actually want to bid on). 

We’ve already seen the Saturday raffle model earlier today, so I’m going to skip to the Carrick!

He’s pretty, but not really grabbing me like some of the others have. 

That’s it for the auction models! But the June Collector Club newsletter came out today too! There’s a Breyerfest flashback video, a Jump & Drive giveaway, and this sneak peek!

No idea what it is, but the hint said to think about packing to go somewhere, so it must be the next Exotic Destinations web special! Presumably it’ll be revealed at Breyerfest. Only two weeks to go!

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