Wednesday, June 26, 2024

No one ever expects the TSC models (before Breyerfest!)

 Whoa, more new unexpected reveals last night! This year's TSC models are already on the website. Just do a search for Breyer and you'll find them (unless they get removed). Here's the first one, a new Wild Mustang set: 

Ooh, the stallion and foal are both so pretty! Actually, the stallion is like a mini version of Picante. The mare is kinda meh, I'm questioning why they used Mesteno's Mother when they could have used the Haflinger Mare and had her match the foal better. Oh well. 

Next: Bugaboo! 

She's pretty, but uncomfortably similar to the micro run Diana from Breyerfest 2019. They used the same masking on her legs and everything. Not sure I'd be too happy if I owned one of those. Her name, "bugaboo" means an imaginary source of fear, so maybe they're leaning into it? Huh. 

Next, here's Lydia:

Ooh, a new Lonesome Glory! Too bad I sold all mine. I'm guessing it's the female version of Lonesome Glory since she has a female name? 

Next, here's Big Blue! 

Wow, this guy is really handsome! I love his gold accents. They look great with that dark blue color. I'm not a Clydesdale Stallion collector, but I'll admit this color is tempting me. 

Lastly, here's Peyton! 

This one is...very reminiscent of Old Bob. Actually, the Old Bob that's on IDYB doesn't seem to have that striping on the neck, but the one I've been trying to sell for years definitely does. I'm not sure why they reused this color? I mean, Adios has come in pretty much every color by this point, but it's been 25 years since he was issued in a solid bay color (not counting Pokerjoe, who was a Paint), so you'd think they could have done something in that vein. Oh well. 

It's nice to see these releases so early, but the bad part is now having to wait until probably September or later to see them in stores. Guess we'll just have to be patient! 

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