Thursday, June 6, 2024


 Wow, something new to post about! Feels like things have been kinda slow lately. Still no sign of this year's first Premier Club model, but the next Stablemates Club model is available to order! 

From the website:

Our third release for the 2024 Stablemates Club is here! Does something about this gal look a bit familiar? The G2 Thoroughbred got a polo makeover! Customized by Franceyn Dare, she now sports a tucked head, roached mane, and braided tail.

So did they make an entire new mold from Franceyn Dare's customized model? Seems like a lot of expense to go to for one release. Guess we'll be seeing a lot more of the new polo pony G2 Thoroughbred in the future! I'm excited to get mine and see what she looks like in person. And then I'll get to have fun putting her on the shelf next to my other G2 Thoroughbreds, probably after standing them all back up after falling over for the billionth time. 

I almost ordered mine, but then I remembered the first Premier Club release. I wouldn't be surprised if that one becomes available after the deadline for ordering this one passes, but you never know. We have until 6/24 to order and I'm not sure they'd make us wait that long, but you never know. I think I'll wait a few days before order Newport, just in case. 

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