Saturday, June 8, 2024

Featured JAH - 6/8/2024, Nov/Dec 2000

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week we're covering Nov/Dec 2000, so let's get started! 

On the front cover, David O'Connor and Custom Made take their victory gallop at the 2000 Olympics. On the back cover, a rootin' tootin' Breyer cowboy takes a ride on a new Classics-scale bull. Also, the famous 50th Fanfare MFTs make their debut! 

In the Editor's Column, Stephanie poses with the fanfare MFT set (all four of which I had at one point, since sold off), and talks about Breyer's 50th anniversary and JAH's 25th. She gives some subscription numbers for JAH (15,000). One can presume that that was more-or-less the size of the collector base in 2000. I wonder how much it's changed now? They don't really ever give us any indication of how big the collector group really is. Anyway, on page 3 is the first part of the 2000 Olympics wrap-up. 

On page 4-5 is more of the Olympics wrap-up. 

On page 6-7 is an article about Breyer portrait horse AA Omner, and a reveal of his Breyer model. AA Omner eventually retired to the National Ability Center in Park City, UT. At 20 years old in 2000, he has to have passed on by now, but I haven't been able to find a date of death for him. 

After skipping the retired list for 2000, on page 10-11 is the story of Breyer portrait model Comanche, only survivor of the Battle of the Little Big Horn and another entry in the Horses in History series. 

On page 12-13 we have an article about rare buckskin Morgan Montana Harvest, another Breyer portrait horse. I wanted Montana Harvest when he first came out, despite Breyer's somewhat strange-looking interpretation of his coat. I wanted Tri-Mi Boot Scootin' Boogie too, so maybe I have a soft spot for the Justin Morgan mold. Not enough to buy any of them, though. 

After skipping an article about professional rodeo and another judge's clinic, this week's centerfold features glorious full-color photos of all four Fanfare MFTs, complete with festive backdrops! I love it. Is this the first time they did a gambler's choice? It was fun and exciting then, but now everything is gambler's choice and it's getting really old. Okay, I'll admit it's still fun and exciting to open surprise models at Breyerfest and see what you got, but the advantage there is that there are usually a ton of people around looking to trade, so it's easier and faster (not to mention cheaper) to trade for the colors you want. 

On page 22-23 is this week's anniversary article, this week covering the 1990s. 

The anniversary article continues on page 24-25. 

On page 26 we have the conclusion of the anniversary article, and on page 27 is the conclusion to the Comanche article. 

After skipping the rest of the rodeo article, Horse Trader, Breyer jr. and a Breyer scrapbook, on page 38 is the conclusion to the Olympics article, and on page 39 is the first page of Vintage Point, this week featuring the Western Prancing Horse. 

The Vintage Point article concludes on page 40 (I had Ranger, the cow pony, as a kid) and that brings us to the end of this week's article. We're done with another year! Check back next week for Jan/Feb 2001. 

Also, I forgot to mention this earlier, but Breyerfest special run preference lists will be sent out on Monday. We only have two days to submit them, so don't waste any time! If you don't put in any preferences, you'll be randomly assigned two models per ticket (a change from past years, where you got wild card tickets), so make sure you get those preferences in! 

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