Saturday, June 1, 2024

Featured JAH - 6/1/2024, Sept/Oct 2000

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week's issue is Sept/Oct 2000, so let's get going! 

On the front cover, Cedarfarm Wixom struts her stuff. On the back cover, a little girl poses with Miss Resistance Free (real and Breyer) at Breyerfest 2000. 

In the Editor's Column, Stephanie celebrates her 7th anniversary of working for Breyer. Seven years, man. Seven long years...but anyway. On page 3 is the first part of the Breyerfest 2000 wrap-up. A monumental change this year - it was the first year the live show wasn't held on the floor of the Covered Arena! It was held in a tent instead, which I seem to recall hearing from showers who were there at the time wasn't all that much of an improvement from the arena floor. But I digress. 

On page 4-5 is more of the Breyerfest wrapup, including an appealing photo of Leahs Fancy Chick and Leahs Fancy Breyer with owner Anita Horn. There's also a mildly humorous photo of Pay N Go looking slightly perturbed about having to pose with Pal O Mine. Like he's on the alert, ready for any shenanigans Pal O Mine may get up to. 

After skipping the Breyerfest live show results, an article about live show props, and another article about the 2000 US Olympic team, on page 14-15, the Breyer history series of articles continues with the 1980s. 

The 1980s article continues on page 16-17.

On page 18-19 is an article about a series of giant statues of horses painted in various colors and then set up around Lexington. Some of these horses can still be seen around Lexington. There are several at the KHP, including Orion and some horses not pictured in the article. 

On page 20-21, the Wixom mold makes her debut! She's a beauty, but too much of a shelf hog for me. Maybe I'll collect them again someday in the future. As for the real Wixom, I haven't been able to find much information about her, but her owner John Leekley passed away in 2020 after a battle with cancer. According to this article, Wixom was sold in a dispersal sale at some point, but that's all I was able to find about her. 

On page 22 we have a listing of the Breyerfest 2000 live auction models and their sale prices, and photos of a few of them. I wonder where that Lonesome Glory ended up? The Fruit Stripe zebra was also in this auction. Is the owner reading this blog? If so, is that zebra for sale? Just, uh, asking for a friend. We're going straight to page 27 from here thanks to the magic of computers, skipping an article about model horse stadium jumping in the process. On page 27 we have a feature about Quarter Horse stallion Easy Jet, the latest entry in the AQHA series. Fortunately, they branched out a little bit with this release and used the Ranch Horse rather than the Ideal American Quarter Horse. Baby steps! 

After skipping Horse Trader, on page 34 is the rest of the Breyerfest wrap-up. On page 35 is a listing of remaining events from the 2000 Breyer Tour, and a Blast From the Past featuring the Breyer Large Poodle. Not to be confused with the Small Poodle. 

After skipping the Carpe Diem contest winners, on page 38 is Collector's Corner featuring a model horse club and Breyer assistant Kerstin Chalupa, since retired. On page 39 is the first page of this week's Vintage Point, this time featuring the Trakehner. 

On page 40-41 is the rest of the Trakehner article, and that brings us to the end of this issue! Check back next week for Nov/Dec 2000! Can't believe we're almost to the end of another year. I figure all of the remaining JAH issues I have will give me another couple years' worth of content to cover, but fear not - I do have an idea for additional programming once Featured JAH ends: Featured Breyerfest! More to come later on. 

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