Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Newport is here!

 Good news, everyone - my Newport has arrived! Incidentally, I finally figured out what her name reminds me of: that episode of Family Guy where Lois inherits the fancy house in Newport. Anyway, here's Newport! 

She's a beauty! I love her color. Her "Breyer blue and yellow" tail ribbon colors are a nice touch. 

The G2 Thoroughbred certainly makes a nice polo pony! I'm guessing we'll probably see this iteration of the mold again in the future.

Quality-wise she's pretty nice. I've seen a few posted on Facebook that had pretty bad box rubs, so I was happy when I got mine out of the box and she didn't have any. I'd still prefer going back to the satin bags, though. 

All in all, a fine addition to my collection! Now I just have to get up the willpower to go stand up all of my G2 Thoroughbreds without knocking them all over, again...and maybe my G3 Friesians while I'm at it...

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