Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Whoa! Breyer’s having an essay contest!

 Well, I definitely wasn’t expecting to get this email, but I did! Breyer is holding an essay contest, and three winners will get portrait models of their horses (or the horses they write about) as a prize!

I included the above photo because it was in the blog post. Anyways, the goal of the contest, should one choose to enter, is to prove to Breyer “Why My Favorite Horse Would Love to be a Breyer Model.” Hmm. There is a horse I could write about, although she was never technically mine, she has most likely died by now, and I don’t know how to get in contact with her owners. The rules do say it doesn’t have to be your horse, but the sticky part is where one of the three winners’ models may also become a regular run release, with permission from the horse’s owner. So will the regular run release be on a different mold? Otherwise it would massively devalue that person’s prize model later on. 

The entry deadline is 7/31, so we have plenty of time to write our essays. And there’s a 250-word limit, so you’ll have to be concise! Also, does the winner get to pick the mold? The horse I’d write about was a stock horse, and the only stock horse mold I currently collect is Dundee. Though Dundee hasn’t yet been produced in her color (bay), so maybe Breyer would be okay with it. 

I’m glad they’re doing this essay contest, though. We don’t get those very often, and for those of us without artistic skills, it may be our only chance to win something rare! I’ve asked for Breyer to start doing an essay or creative writing contest at Breyerfest for years, but it hasn’t happened yet. Guess I’ll keep hoping. Good luck to everyone entering!

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