Thursday, January 5, 2023


 Good news, everyone! Today's special run reveal is: Araba! 

From the blog: 

Araba is the Turkish word for a type of carriage or cart used in Turkey and neighboring Middle Eastern countries. These are usually heavy carts, without springs, that are often covered. They can vary in size and decoration and are used for all types of functions, from carrying goods to transporting people.


She's pretty and all, but nothing can hide or fix those front legs. Oh well - more for somebody else! There's supposed to be one more reveal tomorrow, so I wonder if it'll be another special run, or another Limited Edition? Time will tell. 

Also, I forgot to mention yesterday that the Grab Bag #1 bundle appeared and then sold out on the website. I didn't partake this time, which is probably a good thing, based on the photos of grab bag contents I've been seeing on Facebook. (Hint: Not worth it, like at all. Like, really?). But that shouldn't be surprising. Guess I'll see if mine is the same as everyone else's when it gets here! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a mold of her yet and I really like her color. She's still a maybe for me 😅
