Wednesday, January 11, 2023

It Begins

Greetings, readers! So it turns out today's Breyerfest reveal is a mare and foal set after all - check out Surrey and Axle! 

I wasn't really expecting another mare and foal set this year since we just had one last year, but I guess I don't make the rules. I really hope Axle's right front hoof is suffering from a bad Photoshop job, though (and they could have put a little more thought into the name - Fringe, maybe?) This set sure is pretty, if you can look past Lady Phase's nonexistent forelock and slowly-disappearing ears. Her mold is sorely in need of retooling, or doing something to fix it...but I digress. Fortunately, this set is nothing I need, and presumably is also our vintage mold for the special run releases. Nice to see the swish tail on Lady Phase, too. 

Predictably, this reveal also brought out complaints about the models not fitting the theme. Look, I've done plenty of complaining about models not matching the theme myself, but considering we've only seen about 1/4 of the releases for this year, it seems a little premature to be complaining about it now - especially since, you know, pretty much any type of horse can pull a cart. So let's maybe wait a little bit before we start nitpicking everything? I'm reasonably sure we'll see Georg as a raffle model this year, and probably a few other draft molds besides. Speaking of which, the blog says to check back again tomorrow! I hope it's another reveal and not a sneak peek, because it seems like my patience wears just a tiny bit thinner every time they release another sneak peek instead of just showing us the model. So I guess we'll see! 

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Show some patience people! I've been pretty impressed by the theme adherence this year. Minus the Arab. 😜
