Monday, January 6, 2020

Sleepless Not-In Seattle!

Well, the entry period for the Seattle Soiree has begun - and check out the ticket model! Be still, my heart!

His name is Redmond, and he's to die for! Ugh, I'll be so disappointed if we aren't picked to go. Collector Club members can enter for tickets here. Note that we can only enter to be drawn once - well, you can enter more than once if you want, but only the first entry will go into the drawing. So we don't have to worry about remembering to enter every day - which is probably a good thing, considering the state of my memory lately. Good luck to all the entrants! The drawing will take place on 1/13, but if you aren't drawn in the initial batch, don't lose hope - there's a decently good chance you'll be drawn from the wait list eventually - this happened with my husband back in 2015 when we attended the Sweet Home Chicago event. Also, if you're local to Seattle but don't get drawn, you might just get a phone call from Breyer if they get down to crunch time and still have unsold tickets - they've been known to rope in locals from the surrounding area to fill up the events!

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