Friday, November 15, 2019

Holiday mare and foal set, Winter web special and more!

So it turns out Zenith was just the first of today's exciting reveals! First, the colors of the 2020 Vintage Club In-Between Mare, Zahra, were released: least the colors are pretty...especially the glossy ones...but that's the most I can say about them. She's just so...well...let's just say I won't be searching them out on the secondary market. Is it just me, or do her eyes look too big for her face?

Edit: I forgot there was also a hint about the 2020 Vintage Club's optional model - something about him "leaping into our hearts" or something along those lines. Considering the Newsworthy and Jumping Horse molds have both already been used for the VC, could this mean we're getting a Bristol? Exciting!

Next, a hint for the upcoming Winter Web Special was revealed in the Collector Club newsletter that was emailed to CC members today:

I appreciate the correct usage of "peek." Looks like some kind of bronze or rose gold filigree? Opinions are mixed on what it is, but it looks like Carrick to me. Hopefully we find out soon!

Lastly, there was another surprise reveal today - Breyer's holiday catalogs are going out, and there's some exciting new things in there! I don't have photos I can use yet, but there's a delightful dark bronze/bay Hermosa and Corazon unicorn set named Mira and Antares, and a blood bay Haflinger with a cute little blanket. Hopefully we get our catalogs soon!

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