Saturday, November 2, 2019

Featured Model - 11/2/2019, Goblin

Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model from my collection, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is...Goblin!

This spooky mare was the Halloween Classic model for 2017. She's item #712230 on the Harper mold sculpted by Sommer Prosser. We never got word on how many were produced, as has been happening more and more with a lot of special runs.

While the reaction to this girl was mixed, I think she's fun - mostly because her "goblins" remind me of the "Aaahh!! Real Monsters" TV show that aired on Nick back in the day. And I like the contrast of the purple and pearly white/green on the rest of her. Plus, she has snake eyes! Creepy.

As for the Harper mold, she's had a lot of use since her 2016 debut, but we haven't seen her at Breyerfest yet. Could 2020 be the year? We'll find out! I also wouldn't mind seeing her as some type of collector club special run - maybe not as a gambler's choice, though.

I'm not going to lie; I've been getting tired of doing Featured Model posts every week. Last night, however, I looked through some of my back issue of JAH trying to find an old article about the In-Between Mare, which gave me an idea about possibly replacing Featured Model with something called, "Featured JAH," in which I would pull out old issues of JAH and scan the cover and some of the inside pages, then feature those instead of my models. I feel like there's a lot of hobby information that gets posted over and over again due to the constant influx of new people in the hobby; so, I wonder if reposting some of those old articles would help that information permeate into the hobby. Let me know your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I like the Featured Model entries. You give good snippets of information and do a broad range of models. :)
