Monday, February 18, 2019

Fiero is here!

Greetings, readers! Exciting news - my Fiero is here! Okay, I got two of them because I have two accounts, but they were both glossy and the extra one has already been packed up to trade for a matte one. So I only have (poor) photos of one of them! Behold! (Today was long, and tiring, and frustrating, and I didn't have a chance to get better photos).

Starting with an in-box photo. Although I didn't get a photo of it, it looks like the Fiero models were packaged in leftover boxes from last year, because they have the same artwork on the back of the box (including the photo of the unpainted Darley, etc). Are they going to look like that all year? Why wouldn't they update the boxes for this year? Sigh. I still wish they'd go back to using the satin bags.

But anyway. Here he is out of the box!

He's definitely handsome despite the bad photos. He's got great shading and I love the contrast of his white feet against the solid body (if only all four feet were white!). He has a lot of dapples - almost too many, really. And they're out of scale with his body, which is something we've seen with Stablemate Club releases before.

Quality-wise, he's fine - other than the too-large dapples, the only issue I saw with him was some kind of paint flaw on one of his tail tips - no biggie.

Even his eyewhites were decently painted!

I did manage to find a Muir Woods for a not-terrible price, and he's due to arrive tomorrow - so I'm hoping to get both of these guys together and see how similar they are shade-wise. They probably won't match each other, but it'll be fun if they do!

All in all, this guy is a worthy addition to the Stablemate Club collection, even if it is the second time the mold has been used in the club. More to love!

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