...Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of them yet, but rest assured, they're out there. So I was wrong about this year's earlier releases being the only ones for the year! I'm pleasantly surprised by this news. So there's a new America's Wild Mustangs set featuring a Charging Mesteno in chestnut appaloosa and an American Quarter Horse Foal in chestnut snowcap Appaloosa, and two Traditionals: Boone, a red dun overo Cody (looks similar to Salpicado) and Jasper, a beautifully shaded bay Desatado. Swoon! I have to have that Desatado.
While I haven't been able to obtain photos of these guys yet, our local TSC is clearing space for its annual Breyer display, so it's only a matter of time. I can't wait! I love that Desatado! Photos can be found on Blab and Facebook, if you're dying to see them. I know I'm excited!
I hope these guys are good sellers. It makes me nervous when special runs don't sell well, especially after the demise of the Mid-States special run, so I was disappointed to see Alba's sales weren't especially great earlier in the year. I guess it doesn't help that she was priced at a hefty $50, but still. It'll be a sad day if these special runs end up going away!
But enough of that. Happy hunting!
Friday, August 31, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Don't call my name...Alejandro!

Anyway, I love him! Mulberry gray looks good on him. Too bad we don't have a brick-and-mortar dealer in our area anymore - I'll have to try to find him somewhere else, hopefully for a not-extravagant price.
Anyway, let's look at our second model - Verdades!

This guy is a portrait of the real Verdades, a successful dressage horse owned and ridden by Laura Graves. I'm mostly just happy that he's on a mold I don't collect (although he does look handsome from that angle...). More money for other things!
That's all there is for this post, but hopefully we get more exciting reveals soon!
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Dundee and Raleigh are here!
I'll start with Raleigh since I didn't take as many photos of him. Behold!

I'm going to sell him, so I didn't take him out of his box. From what I could see, though, he didn't have a lot of flaws.

Some of the ones I've seen online had horribly overdone eyewhites covering half their eyes (or so it looked), but that didn't happen with this guy, fortunately. His ribbons appear to be neatly painted, too.

Like I said, I didn't see many other issues with this model - maybe a gloss flaw or lint in the gloss here and there, but nothing major. Plus, he's wired into the box much more securely than Aidan was! No box rubs here (hopefully!).
Next, here are some (not-the-best) photos of Dundee!

I have to say, this guy really grew on me. Normally I'm not into stock molds, but Breyer got me again! He'll have to go on the shelf next to Geronimo, I guess. Hey, Geronimo was sculpted by Kitty Cantrell too. Maybe there's a pattern there...
But anyway, it wasn't really much of a contest about where my Dundee was going to end up - he went onto my new arrivals shelf (rather than into the sales pile) almost immediately. I can't wait to see what colors they put on him next!

I've seen some really unsubtle leg bars on some of these, so I was happy to see mine's are blended in a bit more and less noticeable. Some of the ones I've seen online look like some kid got Sharpie-happy on the model's legs! Definitely a relief.
I also really liked how detailed the eyes are...

Next, here are some (not-the-best) photos of Dundee!

I have to say, this guy really grew on me. Normally I'm not into stock molds, but Breyer got me again! He'll have to go on the shelf next to Geronimo, I guess. Hey, Geronimo was sculpted by Kitty Cantrell too. Maybe there's a pattern there...
But anyway, it wasn't really much of a contest about where my Dundee was going to end up - he went onto my new arrivals shelf (rather than into the sales pile) almost immediately. I can't wait to see what colors they put on him next!

I've seen some really unsubtle leg bars on some of these, so I was happy to see mine's are blended in a bit more and less noticeable. Some of the ones I've seen online look like some kid got Sharpie-happy on the model's legs! Definitely a relief.
I also really liked how detailed the eyes are...

...although I wish Breyer would do away with the bloodshot pink eyewhites. Enough already!

He's okay quality-wise, but not perfect. He has tiny eartip rubs and that mane really could have been masked off better. He did have a lump on the edge of one of his pinto markings, but that turned out to be a little piece of masking that didn't get removed. It came off easily with a little fingernail scraping (and made me wish there was more! What can I say? I love scratch art).
The thing I was least impressed with, though, was this:

He's okay quality-wise, but not perfect. He has tiny eartip rubs and that mane really could have been masked off better. He did have a lump on the edge of one of his pinto markings, but that turned out to be a little piece of masking that didn't get removed. It came off easily with a little fingernail scraping (and made me wish there was more! What can I say? I love scratch art).
The thing I was least impressed with, though, was this:

Seriously? That dorsal stripe looks like a barbed wire fence. I'm guessing he's supposed to have extreme primitive marks there to go along with his many leg bars, but I've never seen extra stripes on a dorsal stripe. Usually they form a cross on the withers and that's it. So it looks a little goofy to me.
But I guess if I ever show him, I already have a name for him - Barbwire. Ha!
But I guess if I ever show him, I already have a name for him - Barbwire. Ha!
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Looking to the Future: 2019 Vintage Club
I'll start by again posting this old photo that was sent out to VC members a few years ago:

I'm borrowing from previous posts here, so here goes:
So far, club members have seen the following models from the photo above:
Amigo, the charcoal Adios;
Halo, the Appaloosa-Performance-Horse-colorway on the Stretch Morgan;
Commander, the smoke Five Gaiter;
Denim (Diamonds?), the Copenhagen pinto Shetland Pony;
and Kiowa, the Indian Pony pinto on the Jumping Horse mold.
Molds that appear in the photo, but were used in the VC in other colors, include the Running Stallion, Man o' War, Quarter Horse Gelding, the Belgian, Semi-Rearing Mustang, Fighting Stallion, Running Foal (with Mare), the Western Prancing Horse and the Grazing Mare (with Foal).
At this point, it's easier to list molds from the photo that haven't appeared in the VC yet. They include the Western Horse, Longhorn Bull (not sure why he's even in the photo, honestly) and the Thoroughbred Mare and Nursing Foal.
Longtime VC members may note that last year's VC was a bit of a departure from the norm, and that departure continued in a big way this year. We had a modern mold in the lineup for the first time (the Weather Girl gambler's choice) and the optional model for the year returned to being produced on a vintage mold rather than a modern mold (the Semi-Rearing Mustang vote contest winner). In addition, the San Domingo used in this year's club had a modern paint job. So it may be safe to assume this trend may continue into next year, which really throws a wrench into my predictions. But I'll start with the vintage molds.
These are the vintage Breyer molds that haven't been used in the club yet:
Appaloosa Performance Horse, Black Beauty, the Black Stallion, Bolya/Halla, Brighty, Buckshot, the Donkey, El Pastor, the FAM and FAF, the Foundation Stallion, the Fury Prancer, Galiceno, Haflinger, the Hanoverian, Justin Morgan, the Lying Down Foal, Midnight Sun, Morganglanz, the Pacer, Phantom Wings, Phar Lap, the POA, possibly the PAF, Quarter Horse Yearling, the Race Horse, Saddlebred Weanling, the Scratching Foal, Sea Star, the Shire Mare, Smoky, the Stock Horse Stallion, Mare and Foal, Stud Spider, the Trakehner, the Western Horse and the Western Pony.
For reason that should be obvious by now, I think Midnight Sun, the Donkey, Sea Star and Phantom Wings can all be eliminated from contention. I'm iffy about Bolya/Halla being used either, as the mold has been permanently altered from its Halla configuration. Does its '90s iteration still count as vintage? Who knows.
As for which molds will make the cut, I'm baffled that we're coming up on our seventh year of the club and the Western Horse, Breyer's oldest mold, still hasn't been used. He's definitely on the list, along with Justin Morgan and, as always, the Thoroughbred Mare and Foal in glossy alabaster. I think the bonus model will probably return to being a modern mold - perhaps Desatado? He hasn't been used much lately. That still leaves a fourth release - will it be modern? I hope not. I don't plan on joining the VC again next year - if I'm going to lose significant amounts of money reselling the releases I don't want, I might as well just buy the one release I want from the secondary market for an increased cost. If the fourth release is vintage, I'm going to go with the Foundation Stallion, but modern could be anything. Silver, maybe? That would drive all the non-vintage Silver collectors crazy, but imagine the fun vintage colors they could put him on. The gnashing of teeth would be visible from space!
As for the Stablemate, it was a modern mold again this year, so for lack of better ideas I'll go with the G3 TWH for the sake of randomness.
So, those are my predictions for the year. I'm still crossing my fingers, as always, for the alabaster Thoroughbred Mare and Foal. Hope springs eternal! I hope we find out next year's models soon.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Featured Model - 8/25/2018, Silver Filigree Silver

This guy was produced on the wildly popular Silver mold sculpted by Kathleen Moody. He's model #1193.
The silver filigree Silver was produced as part of the 2007 "Where in the World is Pegasus?" treasure hunt. Rather than have the pegasus be the rare chase model (although it was the reward for collecting all the UPCs), Breyer slipped approximately 500 silver filigree and charcoal Silvers into the boxes for the regular run colors. These, predictably, caused a sensation among collectors and also caused a lot of issues for dealers, which is probably why that stunt was never repeated after 2007.
I wasn't a part of the hobby in 2007, so I missed out on all the excitement (and still haven't gotten my hands on the sorrel Appaloosa). Fortunately, I managed to snag this guy for a pretty good price on eBay a few years back, and he's been a proud part of my silver filigree collection ever since.
The Silver mold has experienced a bit of a resurgence in the last couple of years. He was used a lot immediately after his introduction due to his popularity, including being a Breyerfest special run three years in a row, being the Breyerfest live show grand and reserve prize in the same year, the aforementioned Treasure Hunt, a Breyerfest raffle model, and various special run and regular run releases. By 2010, most collectors agreed that the mold needed a break (and evidently so did Breyer), so he went several years without being used much.
Since his long break ended, Silver has appeared as a web special, a Breyerfest special run, a TSC special run, last year's Liberty and Glossy Liberty special run, and probably other things I'm forgetting. Where will he pop up next? I'm hoping to see a new regular run, personally. Or maybe he'll be used at the upcoming Scottsdale Stampede? I'd say he fits that theme pretty well, and he hasn't been used for a collector event that I know of, so I'd say he's overdue for that. I guess we'll find out in November!
Friday, August 24, 2018
Breyerfest Closeups: My Strongest Suit

Anyway, although I'm not a big fan of Idocus, these colors were all pretty nice (and glossy to boot)!

I'm not sure if the pinto patterns were based on anything that existed before? I'm pretty sure the colors are original.

Although I didn't vote, I think the gray one was my favorite. Oh, I just noticed the marking above his tail looks kind of like an arrow! That's fun.

This one was pretty nice too. He looks black at first glance, but I think he's actually a very dark bay. Either way, handsome.

And the bay was my least favorite. Nothing really wrong with him, but he's just kind of...there. I think the other colors looked better on him. Watch, this one will end up being the winner of the contest. Blah! I knew I should have voted.
And that's all I have for Breyerfest Closeups this year. Hopefully we get more exciting news soon! My Dundee and Raleigh models are scheduled to arrive on Wednesday, so we've got a bit of a wait for them. I hope we get some exciting news in the meantime!
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Dundee is now available!

Today is also the purchase deadline for Raleigh, so if you haven't gotten around to buying him yet, you've got until midnight (EST) tonight. Fortunately, I hadn't bought mine yet, so I happily combined shipping on them both so I could save a cool $3. Money's money, right?
Anyway, I can't wait until my Dundee gets here! I hope he's as nice as the one they had on display at Breyerfest.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Slow News Day (Month?)
Is it just me, or does it seem like we've hardly had anything new and exciting come out since Breyerfest? The dog days of summer, indeed. I mean, other than Raleigh, but I'm pretty meh about that one anyway since I don't collect G1 Stablemates.
I have heard that blind bag Stablemates, including a ton of the bronze filigree Django chase models, have been showing up at Tractor Supply stores around the country, along with a unicorn Alborozo paint-your-own set and a couple of other things. So far I've had my husband check our local TSC on his way home from work twice, but he hasn't found anything so far. Hopefully he hits pay dirt soon!
Speaking of TSC, there's been some speculation that we'll soon find out what this year's TSC special runs are, but...I'm kinda thinking we already got them, what with Alba and the mustang set earlier this year? It would be cool if there are two more releases like usual, but I'm not expecting anything else to show up.
Also, where the heck is Dundee? Breyer, you've only got 9 days left in the month to release him. Hurry up and put him on the website already! Unfortunately, they're probably waiting until the purchase deadline for Raleigh is past so they can double up on the shipping charges (typical). Hopefully they release him soon so I can get my Dundee fix on.
Also also, our last (and most anticipated) Vintage Club release, the Weather Girl gambler's choice, should be out soon. Hit me up if you don't want yours; I'll be looking for whichever two colors I don't get!
That's all I've got for today. Hopefully we get some exciting new reveals soon!
I have heard that blind bag Stablemates, including a ton of the bronze filigree Django chase models, have been showing up at Tractor Supply stores around the country, along with a unicorn Alborozo paint-your-own set and a couple of other things. So far I've had my husband check our local TSC on his way home from work twice, but he hasn't found anything so far. Hopefully he hits pay dirt soon!
Speaking of TSC, there's been some speculation that we'll soon find out what this year's TSC special runs are, but...I'm kinda thinking we already got them, what with Alba and the mustang set earlier this year? It would be cool if there are two more releases like usual, but I'm not expecting anything else to show up.
Also, where the heck is Dundee? Breyer, you've only got 9 days left in the month to release him. Hurry up and put him on the website already! Unfortunately, they're probably waiting until the purchase deadline for Raleigh is past so they can double up on the shipping charges (typical). Hopefully they release him soon so I can get my Dundee fix on.
Also also, our last (and most anticipated) Vintage Club release, the Weather Girl gambler's choice, should be out soon. Hit me up if you don't want yours; I'll be looking for whichever two colors I don't get!
That's all I've got for today. Hopefully we get some exciting new reveals soon!
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Featured Model - 8/18/2018, Daydreamer

I decided to feature Daydreamer this week because, like Mason, she was a new release for 2018 and I never got around to showing her on the blog when she first got here.
Anyway, I think she's really nice! She's definitely different. As you probably already know, she's item #62053 on the Harper mold sculpted by Sommer Prosser.
I like how she's white on the lower legs, which looks like clouds, and the white then fades upward into the clear blue on her neck and head. Blue is my favorite color, so I may be slightly biased here, but whatever. It's a little disappointing that the cloud, rainbow and sun are all one big decal, but I suppose it would have been too labor-intensive to paint it by hand (well, that and you just know there'd be some godawful mistakes).
Here's her other side, for comparison!

Something that doesn't show up very well in the photos is the glitter on her mane and tail. It's hard to see in the photos, but you can definitely feel it when you touch her! Did I mention I like how her tail transitions from blue to white, too? She's a pretty one. I'm not as crazy about her hoofs suddenly being blue again, but I suppose they wanted them to stand out and not be white like the rest of her legs.
She's definitely pretty, though! Breyer has definitely been coming out with some nice Classic decorators lately. I can't wait to see what they come up with next!
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Breyerfest Closeups: Mini Dundee

He's definitely a chunky guy! I really like him so far.

So I wonder if new Stablemate molds for the Premier Club will be a thing from now on? This is the third year in a row that we've gotten a new Stablemate mold for our freebie, so it's definitely a trend. I'd say we've come a long way from the nothing we got for the first two years of the club. I hope it continues in the future!

This guy is definitely a cute little copy of Dundee! I didn't want to incur Breyer's wrath by touching him, so I don't have a photo of his off side, but I think he had a short mane.

I definitely like this guy! I'm getting more and more excited for Dundee's release. I can't believe he isn't out by now, honestly. Hopefully he comes out soon! And I'll be excited to see this little Stablemate in a Lipizzaner color!
Monday, August 13, 2018
Breyerfest Closeups: Grace

Next, let's look at the dapple gray!

Lastly, let's look at the alabaster!

This pretty girl even has lipliner, which was a variation that could sometimes be found on the old alabaster PAMs, though I don't remember if it was the matte or glossy release (or both) that had it. She's definitely pretty, but I like the dapple gray the most. Either way, I'll be looking for whichever two colors I don't get from the club on the secondary market.
Honestly, I'll probably be wishing I just hadn't joined the club this year and bought all three of these mares on the secondary market, because I lost a lot of money selling the Clara and Mae set. I haven't managed to sell Roman yet, but it's not looking too good for him either. So if they do this again next year, I'm definitely sitting the club out. Sorry, Breyer, but most of these models have almost no value on the secondary market and it's just not worth it for those of us "modern" collectors to join.
But that's enough griping for now. Tune in soon for more Breyerfest Closeups!
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Featured Model - 8/11/2018, Harmonie

This handsome guy was a regular run from 2007-2008. He's item #1276 and was produced on the American Saddlebred Stallion mold sculpted by Kathleen Moody. He was a portrait of the real Harmonie, a Dutch Harness Horse stallion.
I think this is one of the better colors Breyer has put on this mold. He has lots of shading and highlights, dapples, and his four white socks make him look dashing and handsome. If only his mane had been masked off to avoid the overspray! But that's a small nitpick. He still looks like a beautiful bay Saddlebred (or DHH, if you insist), regally standing in an arena with the wind riffling through his mane. I love him!
As for the mold itself, we haven't seen much of it lately (aside from Patriot in 2016). Could he be due for another Breyerfest appearance? Aside from auction models, the last time he popped up there was as Paddyngton's Mark of Distinction in 2014 (and the Argento resin). The banner for Breyerfest 2019 featured a palomino Saddlebred that we haven't seen anywhere else so far - could he be next year's Celebration Horse? I suppose we'll have to wait until January to find out, but I'd be cool with it.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Breyerfest Closeups: Duende

If I'm not mistaken, this is an actual plastic production piece, not the resin master. At least it looks like plastic to me.

I think his color is really nice. He looks like a dunalino? I like his pattern too; it's nicely understated and doesn't break up his outline.

Considering my original plan was to pre-sell him and have him shipped to his new owner, seeing him in person at Breyerfest has definitely helped the situation. Will this be the year I keep all of the Premier Club releases since 2012? Time will tell.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Raleigh is now available!

He's cute (and looks really nice in that gloss!), but not really my cup of tea. I think I'm going to hold off on buying him for a while in case anything else pops up on the website.
I'm excited to see if I get a rainbow mule, though! Looks like we'll be getting those in October.
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
New Arrivals: Glossy Dark Horse Decorator, One-Day Man o' War

This guy is just as nice as his matte counterpart, but glossy! I like how the gloss makes his mane and tail look like gummy bears. ...Now I'm hungry. Anyway, his color pops quite a bit more in gloss, although I'm a little perturbed by his red eyes. Not sure what color I'd have painted them instead, but the red just seems a little weird. Maybe red eyes make him go even faster?
Next, the One-Day Stablemate Man o' War!

I still haven't gotten a picture of them together, but I'm pretty sure this guy and Straight Bet are the same color, and they're even both glossy! It's a nice color, though; a very rich red chestnut that looks postively luscious with gloss! I love him. Edit: I can't remember if I've mentioned how happy I am that Breyer dropped the McPie Stablemate boxes they've been using the last couple of years and gave these guys actual pouches this year, but I'm definitely happy with that!
This guy got the dubious honor of being part of my costume contest entry. It was certainly fun trying to devise a way to attach him to my hat in a removable manner, but I figured it out eventually.
An odd thing I noticed about this year's Single-Day Stablemates was that the Silver Charm one isn't glossy. I'd thought it would be, since the other three are, but something got missed along the way, I guess.
So those are all of this year's Breyerfest models I was able to acquire. Hopefully someday I can get a matte and/or glossy Dark Horse, but I suspect it'll be a while before the prices come down on those. Keep checking the blog for more Breyerfest updates - I still have a lot of Breyerfest Closeups to post!
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Featured Model - 8/4/2018, Mason

Mason is the 2018 Classics Horse of the Year, which seems to be Breyer's program for introducing new Classic molds. I definitely like it! More Classics are definitely needed. I seem to remember reading that this model was sculpted by Kitty Cantrell, but I can't remember where I saw it now.
In any case, I really like this guy! He reminds me of the old Traditional Five Gaiter by Chris Hess, but less beefy (that's a good thing, in my book). I'm guessing he represents a more modern body type? I don't follow Saddlebreds that closely, but that would be my guess.
Since this guy is a regular run, you can't really expect him to have a lot of detail to his paintjob, so he doesn't have dapples. He does have nice shading though, and plenty of variation to his paintjob so he's not just a boring gray color. Plus, he has a two-tone tail! I love it when that happens.
I'm excited to see what colors Breyer puts on this mold in the future. Maybe we'll see it at Breyerfest next year? I'm sure it'll get used in the regular run line again as well. Uh oh - I just realized there's going to be a glossy version of this guy raffled off at qualifying shows next year as well. Another glossy to put on my list! Fortunately, glossy Classics aren't nearly as expensive as their Traditional counterparts.
Anyway, I can't wait to see what they do with Mason next! I wonder if they'll do another crazy Halloween release like they did with Goblin last year? That would be fun!
Friday, August 3, 2018
New Arrivals: Matte Appy Dark Horse, Chestnut Dead Heat and Matte Bay Pinto Dark Horse

I hate to say it, but of the five different Dark Horse Surprise colors, this one was my least favorite. I guess maybe I'm just not into leopard Appaloosas? I liked Pay N Go well enough back in the day, I guess, but since then the leopards just tend to fall to the bottom of my lists.
I'm also wondering why his base color is bay, when we also had the matte bay pinto as one of the surprise colors? I don't know, make him a chestnut or gray or something. Gray leopard could have been really interesting! Oh well.
Next, we have the chestnut Dead Heat!

I really like this model - just not quite as much as I like the palomino one. The color looks really nice on Ruffian, though the short tail still looks a little odd to me. I love his shading, and I love the little snip on his nose! I always like to see a little white on a horse's face, so that really appeals to me. Also, this one's name is now officially "Dead Hat" in my records, to set it apart from the palomino "Dead Heat." Heh heh.
Lastly, let's look at the bay pinto Dark Horse Surprise!

I'd probably rank this guy just above the leopard Appy, but not because I don't like him - he's just overshadowed by the black, decorator and palomino splash. He has a nice pattern, and the color looks really good on him. I like his two-toned mane and tail - I bet the glossy version of him is really nice! Hopefully I can get my hands on him somewhere down the road. In the meantime, this guy is a worthy addition to the collection!
Quality-wise, these models were really nice - again, I've seen few quality issues with this year's Breyerfest models. Either I got lucky, or Breyer stepped up their quality game. Either way, I'm happy with it!
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Justify's models are announced!

Part of me was kind of hoping Breyer would find some loophole to let them bend the rules a bit and put Justify's Breyer on Dundee, but I suppose even they don't want to break their own rules too much. I think he would have looked nice on Dundee, though. I like that garland too, although I'm not really into accessories.
Anyway, here's his Stablemate!

And he'll also get not one, but two ornaments!

I have to say I'm not terribly impressed with that sculpture, but I don't collect ornaments anyway, so my opinion isn't all that relevant. Apparently one of those silks colors will be rarer than the other, but I'm not sure which one.
Those are all the pictures I've seen so far. I'm pretty sure there was supposed to be a Classic too, right? Hopefully he gets a better mold than the Best in Show Thoroughbred. I hope we see it soon!
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