Friday, August 24, 2018

Breyerfest Closeups: My Strongest Suit

Hello, readers! I'm finally posting the last of my Breyerfest Closeups photos today. Similar to last year's Scotty vote, Breyer had a group of four Idocus models in the tent, painted in the same pinto pattern but different colors, and people could vote on their favorite color. Behold! 

Idocus isn't my favorite mold (see the Brunello conundrum), so I didn't vote in this contest. And these guys all have the old Idocus hair, so there's not much of a chance that I'll want to buy any of them when they do eventually show up on the website. I wonder if they'll get them produced in time to be this year's second Collector Club special run, since they didn't have a preview of that this year? If that's the case, I hope production can move fast, because the second CC special run is usually out by September or so.

Anyway, although I'm not a big fan of Idocus, these colors were all pretty nice (and glossy to boot)!

I'm not sure if the pinto patterns were based on anything that existed before? I'm pretty sure the colors are original.

Although I didn't vote, I think the gray one was my favorite. Oh, I just noticed the marking above his tail looks kind of like an arrow! That's fun.

This one was pretty nice too. He looks black at first glance, but I think he's actually a very dark bay. Either way, handsome.

This one is okay; I'd probably place him third. Nice color, but I'm just not really into it for some reason.

And the bay was my least favorite. Nothing really wrong with him, but he's just kind of...there. I think the other colors looked better on him. Watch, this one will end up being the winner of the contest. Blah! I knew I should have voted.

And that's all I have for Breyerfest Closeups this year. Hopefully we get more exciting news soon! My Dundee and Raleigh models are scheduled to arrive on Wednesday, so we've got a bit of a wait for them. I hope we get some exciting news in the meantime!

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the bay; normally honey bay pinto is my favorite, but that poor guy looks too washed out.
