Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Slow News Day (Month?)

Is it just me, or does it seem like we've hardly had anything new and exciting come out since Breyerfest? The dog days of summer, indeed. I mean, other than Raleigh, but I'm pretty meh about that one anyway since I don't collect G1 Stablemates.

I have heard that blind bag Stablemates, including a ton of the bronze filigree Django chase models, have been showing up at Tractor Supply stores around the country, along with a unicorn Alborozo paint-your-own set and a couple of other things. So far I've had my husband check our local TSC on his way home from work twice, but he hasn't found anything so far. Hopefully he hits pay dirt soon!

Speaking of TSC, there's been some speculation that we'll soon find out what this year's TSC special runs are, but...I'm kinda thinking we already got them, what with Alba and the mustang set earlier this year? It would be cool if there are two more releases like usual, but I'm not expecting anything else to show up.

Also, where the heck is Dundee? Breyer, you've only got 9 days left in the month to release him. Hurry up and put him on the website already! Unfortunately, they're probably waiting until the purchase deadline for Raleigh is past so they can double up on the shipping charges (typical). Hopefully they release him soon so I can get my Dundee fix on.

Also also, our last (and most anticipated) Vintage Club release, the Weather Girl gambler's choice, should be out soon. Hit me up if you don't want yours; I'll be looking for whichever two colors I don't get!

That's all I've got for today. Hopefully we get some exciting new reveals soon!

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