Friday, June 8, 2018

Go Ahead; Make My Day

Good news, everyone! My Callahans finally came, and I just had to get them opened up. I was so excited to see this mold appear in the (Breyer) dead pool! But first, I have to torture you a little bit. Here are the three boxes!

By some miracle, only one of them was smashed. Apparently many, if not most, of the boxes for this release have been getting pulverized.

But anyway...What could be inside? What mysteries do the boxes hold? Do I feel lucky? Time to see if Breyer went ahead and made my day.

The plot thickens! I think I can see what they are! Time to get these punks unwrapped. I'd tease you more, but a good woman always knows her limitations, so I'll cut to the chase.

Drat! Breyer must have forgotten my fortune cookie - I'm SOL. I didn't manage to hit the trifecta, but at least I didn't get three of the same color. Here's a pic of one of the silver bays up closer.

I'm having trouble deciding which of these three colors I like the best, but I think the silver bay wins. He's got just a touch of pearly in his mane and tail, though, which puts him in the lead. Here's a picture of the silver bay and palomino with their Trad-size doppelgangers:

I think Breyer did a pretty good job of emulating the original paint colors, although the Callahans don't have any dapples like the original releases do. Nor does the silver bay have mapped markings like Silverado, although I wouldn't have expected that. The original Silverado doesn't have the pearly mane and tail, though, which makes Callahan unique! They almost look like proud dads escorting their kids to a show (or a Vikings game, going by the palomino's ribbon colors), or perhaps experienced police inspectors taking their rookie partners out on patrol. Just as long as the rookies don't get killed, right?

Quality-wise, they run the gamut - one of the silver bays is quite nice, while the other has a number of minor flaws that are making me consider exchanging him if I can't get him traded for a silver filigree. Maybe if I exchange him, I'll get a silver filigree! As for the palomino, he's mostly nice, but his eyes are very sloppily painted. I'll hang onto him though - with my luck, if I exchanged both of them I'd get two silver bays back and be even more SOL.

All in all, I think this was a great special run - the Shire B mold is sadly underused, and this special run was a totally unexpected sudden impact! Maybe Breyer saw my Featured Model post about the Shire B back in October, eh? Probably not, but it's nice to dream. Maybe we'll see the mold pop up somewhere else, since they put it back into production for this special run? I hope so!

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