This lovely lady made her debut along with her foal Selene as the last release in the 2017 Premier Club. Sculpted by Brigitte Eberl, around 750 of these models were produced. She's item #90186.
This girl is fairly new for showing up on the blog - I prefer to use slightly older models. But she's going to get a lot of use this year, so I figured she was fair game.
I'm going to be honest here and say I'm not the biggest fan of Selene - I don't think she matches Carina very well. Why is she just standing there? All of Brigitte's other mare and foal sculpts are more-or-less matching in their movements. It's a minor nitpick, but still. Carina herself is just lovely - she looks like she could be prancing in excitement, or doing actual dressage, or getting impatient and wanting to go somewhere (the only situation where it might make sense for Selene to be standing still?).
I do like the colors they chose for this release - the paintjob is reasonably complicated, but I don't remember hearing a lot of complaints about it like the Duende train wreck earlier in the year. Not sure how it was harder to paint a dapple gray than a semi-leopard Appaloosa, but I guess them's the breaks.
Anyway, as has become tradition, Carina (and Selene) will appear at Breyerfest later this year as Julep and Pim. I'm still not a fan of Pim's name! But I guess I'll have to get over it. Carina should also be available at this year's Breyerfest as the 2018 Holiday Horse, Celestine. I am ridiculously excited for Celestine, people. So much so that I'm considering picking one up at Breyerfest so I don't have to wait for my husband to buy it for me for Christmas. She's gorgeous! And I bet she's pearly to boot.
As for other uses of this pair, I'd bet dollars to donuts they'll show up in the live auction as well. Probably in a color that breaks my heart and makes me consider getting out my credit card...but the live auction model prices have been so astronomically high lately that it's impossible to justify spending that much money on one or two models, especially since there's no guarantee you'd get that money (or more) back if you had to sell it later. I just can't do it! I'll just have to do what I usually do - sit on the sidelines and wish I was rich. Well, that and be thankful I can afford the things I do have. That always works!
And Carina? Who knows where else she'll pop up. I doubt we'll see her anywhere else this year, but maybe she and Selene will be regular runs next year? That would be fun. Or perhaps web specials - we don't get mare and foal web specials very often. What I'd really like to see is a regular run Trad foal set of two or more foals - we never get that, either. Hope springs eternal, I guess.
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