Lot 10 is...another hidden lot. Grr. Oh well, on to the next one...

Lot 11 is the Live Show Reserve Prize, Hot to Trot. I didn't notice this right away, but someone pointed it out on Facebook: This model is pacing. Why did they name a pacer Hot to Trot? Blegh. Anyway, we've seen him before, so I don't have much else to say about him.

Lot 12 is a "Glossy Dapple Blood Bay" Cigar with a custom tail (the loose Show Jumping Warmblood tail, to be exact). This model was visible in the background of a recent Breyer "Monday Minute" video on YouTube, which led to speculation that he was this year's volunteer model. Unfortunately, these types of modifications on molds not normally built for having their manes and tails exchanged are almost never used for any kind of wide release - the only one I remember was the Lonesome Glory Thrillseeker with the modified tail, seen as the last Connoisseur release in 2011 - and that was a simple tail bend. While this guy's color is yummy, I'm not sure I like that tail on him anyway, and I think he needs to be redder - he looks a lot like the original Cigar release as is.

Lot 13 is a red dun splash pinto on the Valegro mold. I've seen mixed reactions to this model online, and I have to agree - he doesn't look quite right, although I like his bald face. Red dun has never been one of my favorite colors, though, so I might be biased.

The last lot for today is a, "5th Century B.C. Amphora-inspired Decorator on the Marwari mold." I saw a little bit of speculation online that this guy could be a clue for the theme of next year's Breyerfest (Horses in Ancient History, or similar) but...ehh. Lauren Hoeffer posted a photo of an old custom very similar to this on Blab this afternoon, and since she's done work for Breyer before, it's entirely possible this model was inspired by that custom.
Sadly, that's all the auction models we get to see today. Hopefully they step up the pace of releasing these things - there's only 2 more Mondays (!) until Breyerfest, and at a rate of 4 (or 5, counting hidden lots) release every week out of a total of 28 lots, they'll only be up to 24 lots by 7/9. Hmm, maybe they'll release an extra one somewhere and then do a mini-countdown of the remainder during Breyerfest week? That could be exciting! I hope they do.
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