Saturday, July 30, 2022

Featured Model - 7/30/2022, Flower Girl Test Wixom

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model I don't own but may have an interesting story behind it, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is...the Flower Girl Test Wixom! 

This model comes from the 2003 Breyerfest "Blast from the Past" which was, "a celebration of Breyer past and present." She was a OOAK produced on the Wixom mold sculpted by Donna Chaney. 

This particular model was famous (well, to us collectors, anyway) because she appeared on the cover of that year's Breyerfest program, though the more famous model was probably the tie-dye Rejoice on the old Breyerfest mailer that used to go out to JAH subscribers. I can't speak for other people, but my reaction upon seeing both of these models was, "WHOA!" I may have been the tender age of 17 at the time, but I, for one, definitely wasn't used to seeing such colorful models from Breyer. Maybe I'm remembering things wrong, but that's how it was for me, anyway. 

There are a lot of auction models out there that haven't really seen the light of day since they were sold all those years ago, and Flower Girl (and the tie-dye Rejoice) are two of them - does anyone know where they are? Sometimes these legendary models pop up at shows, but I don't show, so I don't really get much opportunity to see them. Maybe someday we'll see them again, I suppose. 

As for Wixom, she appeared as the web special Puffin last year, and I think it's entirely possible we see her show up at Breyerfest 2023, given the Driving Forward theme. Maybe she'll be the Celebration Model? A lot of people think Constantia will be the Celebration Model, but I don't think they'll use another brand-new model right after introducing the German Riding Pony mold this year, and I think Wixom would be a good candidate. I guess we'll find out soon enough! 

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