Sunday, July 17, 2022

Breyerfest Day 3: Back to Confusingly Pleasant

 Well, Breyerfest is officially over for another year. I knew this moment had to come, but it always happens too fast - I wish Breyerfest could last for a week. Of course, it's easy to say that now, but if Breyerfest actually was a week long I'm sure I'd be tired of it by day 5, if not sooner. The insanity can be overwhelming! I do really like room sales, though - maybe if we'd been able to get to Lexington and start selling earlier, I'd be more prepared for the whole thing to be over.

Anyways, Breyerfest is over. We had a leisurely day strolling through the Horse Park in the reasonably pleasant weather - it was cloudy and threatening to rain all day, though the rain didn't really start until shortly before the Sunday raffle. No luck there, either - I was really hoping that this would be my year, but it wasn't to be. Maybe next year.

I did make a few more sales from our room after we got back from the Horse Park, but as always, I was wishing we had sold more, if only because I didn't want to take any of it back home. I suppose I should be happy we sold as much as we did, considering the inflation and gas price woes that have been plaguing us lately. 

Excitingly, the theme for next year's Breyerfest was announced - Driving Forward! Presumably this means a carriage/driving horse theme, which I am all for. I'm wondering what the Celebration Horse will be - will they go all in on the driving theme and have the Celebration Horse be a Standardbred on the new Standardbred mold? Or will they pick a draft horse and save the Standardbred for a special run? Hmm, maybe the Celebration Horse will be on Vermeer and we'll finally get a black Friesian release on him. Depends on whether 9 years is enough separation from the last (purebred) Friesian Celebration Horse, I guess. 

At any rate, the theme is promising - hopefully we won't have too many people complaining when the releases inevitably don't really fit the theme. I hope they announce more about it soon! 

That's all I have for today - it's about time to head to bed so we can finish packing and head for home tomorrow. Happy Breyerfest, everyone! It was great to be back in Lexington in person, and I hope to return again next year.

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